Assessment Record Form and Marking Grid
FdA Business / Hospitality /Tourism Management (Level 5)
Student Name or WKC Number
Assessment No:
Module Level:
Module Tutor:
2 of 2
Assessment Method:
Date of submission:
Small Business & Entrepreneurship
Individual presentation – Case study
Please see AR1 on Moodle
Case Study – Individual Presentation (Pecha Kucha style,
6 minutes 40 seconds) (Task 1)
Case Study - Individual Critical Review Report, Peer Assessment (500 words) (Task 2)
Learning outcomes assessed:
- Analyse and evaluate the operation of a small to medium sized (SME) in terms of its business profile and business performance.
- Explain the key theories and concepts of entrepreneurship.
Skills Mapped:
As listed in the course handbook.
Assessment Criteria
Areas of Improvement
Task 1 - Case study Individual Presentation - Analyse and evaluate the business profile and performance as well as operational success of a SME within your chosen industry. (Pecha Kucha style, 6 minutes 40 seconds)
LO 1 & 5
Task 2 – Case study (Peer Assessment) – Individual Critical Review Report
Taking into consideration the above, submit a critical review of the weakness and strengths of the case study presentation, demonstrate an understanding of key business performance within the SME sector. (500 words)
LO 1 & 5
Presentation and Formatting – Use of English language (spelling, grammar). Technicianship of referencing to house style. Appropriateness of presentation, layout and length
Deductions: Late Submission
Total mark out of 100%
Subject to ratification at the validating University Subject Board
Please be advised that every piece of work might be subject to a viva
Assignment Brief
The purpose of this assignment is to analyse and evaluate a business case study. The objective is to demonstrate independent and team research skills and the ability to interpret and exploit data for the purpose of reviewing the operational and financial performance of a business. It is also an opportunity to firstly consider your own case study and then to consider your peers’ case study. The business simulation will be used for this assessment.
Task 1 – Case Study – Individual Presentation
Individually, after the completion of the group simulation activity (assessment 1), you must assume a management role and reflect on the performance of your SME.
You are required to prepare a Pecha Kucha style, (6 minutes 40 seconds) presentation that analyses your financial performance as well as evaluates and justifies the decisions made during the simulation.
- Where appropriate please provide supporting documentation
(e.g. graphs, tables, pictures and examples to support your case study)
1. In small groups, you are required to complete the simulation activity.
2. It is advised that you record your strategy and results as you progress through the simulation.
Task 2 - Case Study (Peer Assessment) – Individual Critical Review Report
Individually, you are required to critically review one of the above SME case studies presented in class, by one of your colleagues. You are required to prepare a 500-word reflective report that evaluates and reflects upon the weakness and strengths of the SME case study presented.
- Your critical evaluation must demonstrate an understanding of key ratios and strategic factors within SMe business management.
- Define and clarify the challenges faced by small – medium sized business.
- Where appropriate please provide supporting documentation
(e.g. graphs, tables, pictures and examples to support your case study)
1. You tutor will match students for the peer assessment.
2. Prior to the presentation, you will be given an opportunity in class to prepare relevant questions.
3. Following the case study presentation, you will be allocated 1-1 interview time. This will enable you to ask further questions so that you will be better informed to complete your critical review.
In the event of a re-sit
Should you be required to re-sit this module, you will need to submit via email (to the subject tutor) a reworked version of this assessment with an additional paragraph in the introduction to discuss what you have changed about the assignment, based on feedback received.
The deadlines for resubmission of this work will be advised by your tutor.
Hand in Guidelines
- Your assignment will be structured as per the formal requirements of the assignment brief.
- The assignment will use correct paragraphing, formal grammar, tenses and spelling.
- The assignment will be word-processed.
- The assignment will be formatted as double-spaced, justified and with a font size of exactly 12 in either Arial or Times New Roman.
- The pages will be consecutively numbered.
- The assignment will be submitted via Moodle.
- The correct cover sheet must be submitted with your assignment.
- The Harvard Referencing System will be used conventionally to identify all secondary research
- A conventional and complete Bibliography using the Harvard Referencing System will be included.
- This should be submitted in one list and in alphabetical order.
- For a level 4 module assessment, a minimum of six (6) references should be used.
- For a level 5 module assessment, a minimum of ten (10) references should be used.
- For a level 6 module assessment, a minimum of fifteen (15) references should be used.
- Please note that you are NOT allowed to include any reference from the Wikipedia website or from lecturer notes – your assessment may be adversely graded if Wikipedia or lecturer notes features in the referencing or Bibliography.
- Suspected plagiarism offences will be referred to the Programme Manager and as appropriate formal warnings and University regulations will be applied.
- You may go 10% above or below the word count stated in the assessment brief.
- Example: 2500 + 10% = 2750 or – 10% = 2250.
- Tutors will mark the word count stated in the assessment brief (plus or minus the 10% above or below).
- Example: Tutors will mark to 2750 or 2250 as normal and without penalty.
- Tutors will not continue to mark any work above and beyond the word count in the assessment brief (plus or minus the 10% above or below). You will be penalised based on the remaining work being unread and unmarked. You will not receive feedback or marks for this part of your work.
- Example: if you have written 3500 instead of 2500 you will not be marked on the additional 750 words and it will not be taken into consideration in the grades or feedback.
The word count does include:
The word count doesn’t include:
Data Tables (numbers)
Tables with text (words)
Title Page & Contents Page
Module: Small Business & Entrepreneurship Assessment: 2
Level: 5 Credit Points: 10
In order for a student to gain:
30– 39%, they must:
- Explain the information needs and control procedures utilised running a SME business.
- Demonstrate a limited understanding of key pressure factors in their own business strategy.
- Demonstrate limited application of theory demonstrating limited business awareness including limited ratio analysis.
- Demonstrate a limited understanding of the strengths and weaknesses in their peers’ business strategy.
40 – 49%, they must:
- Evaluate the information needs and control procedures utilised running a SME business.
- Demonstrate adequate understanding of key pressure factors in their own business strategy.
- Show adequate application of theory demonstrating adequate business awareness including some ratio analysis.
- Demonstrate adequate understanding of the strengths and weaknesses in their peers’ business strategy.
50 – 59%, they must:
- Analyse the information needs and control procedures utilised running a SME business.
- Demonstrate good understanding of key pressure factors in their own business strategy.
- Show detailed application of theory demonstrating business awareness including accurate ratio analysis.
- Demonstrate good understanding of the strengths and weaknesses in their peers’ business strategy.
60 – 69%, they must:
- Analyse and evaluate the information needs and control procedures utilised running a SME business.
- Demonstrate very good understanding of key pressure factors in their own business strategy.
- Show extensive application of theory demonstrating good business awareness including accurate ratio analysis.
- Demonstrate very good understanding of the strengths and weaknesses in their peers’ business strategy.
70%+, they must:
- Analyse and critically evaluate the information needs and control procedures utilised running a SME business.
- Demonstrate a critical understanding of key pressure factors in their own business strategy.
- Show comprehensive application of theory demonstrating a sound business awareness including extensive accurate ratio analysis.
- Demonstrate critical understanding of the strengths and weaknesses in their peers’ business strategy.