Nursing and Caring Concepts in Watsons Theory[Enter your Name][Your Institution`s Name][Entre Instructor`s Name][Task date due]Nursing and Caring Concepts in Watson`s TheoryDoctor Watson`s descriptive theory of human caring was published in the year 1997 and comprises ten curative measures that help nurses when caring for their patients. In her response to the theory, Dr. Watson referred the model as a transpersonal relationship between the nurses and patients. According to Watson, transpersonal medical care is the capacity of a single human being to receive fellow human being`s expression of how they are feeling and the results of those feelings for an individual (Watson, 2002b). Since nursing can be identified as both an art and science, thus nursing care is taken to be more than a scripted therapeutic response about a patient.Watson expresses her theory by stating that the more feelings to an individual patient, that a nurse expresses, the more concrete the nursing and caring affect the recipients (Watson, 1989). In her first premise, Watson states that the two persons involved in caring deals are also involved in the process of “being†and “becoming.†She says that when a patient and a nurse come together in an actual nursing care circumstances they get to learn from each other on how to be human; caring is all about being human. Watson suggests spiritual union of souls between the nurses and the patients (Watson, 1988b).Concepts and sub-concepts of Watson`s TheoryThe clarity and simplicity of Watson`s theory is precisely defined by the concept and sub concepts centered in the theory. The concepts explain Watson abstract where he uses common language in a general ways. Her propensity in metaphorical study ...