Senior Student Questionnaire
1 Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem-solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side.
Creativity to me refers to having a vision about an existing idea in a different and better way. I believe that I obtain a creative skill, which entails combining my idea and that of other people to help in solving a problem or coming up with an improved idea. This artistic ability really helped me during my leadership role as an event organizer at my former junior high school. I remember there was a time when I had to organize a netball game but unfortunately, we never had the netball pitch, something that drove me to an idea of using the basketball pitch for the netball games. Subsequently, this also meant that the basketball games were to be stopped for netball games since they could not be played simultaneously considering the that there was only one pitch for both of the games. That is when I incorporated an idea from a colleague that the duration of the games can be reduced to a reasonable time that will allow both games to be played consecutively but on the same day and pitch.
The creative skill of combining two different ideas to come up with a better idea that can help solve a problem has influenced my decisions both in class and outside the class especially when we are faced with a problem that needs a...