Exam Name University Affiliation Module One Question One Growth is the quantitative increase in the physical size and mass of a specific organism over a given time while development is a process where an individual organism changes itself from a single cell into a more complex multicellular organism; it is both qualitative and quantitative. Question Two The zygote is the first stage of life and comes to creation when a new organism is created through sexual reproduction after the union of the male and female gametes. It is formed immediately after fertilization. The embryo is a multicellular diploid eukaryote in its earliest stage of development. The cells begin to differentiate at this point. Question Three A frog has two hemispheres the animal pole later forms the ectoderm and mesoderm and the vegetal pole that forms the endoderm and contains the nutrient that protects and nourishes the embryo. Question Four The tadpole stage is immediately after hatching. They develop skin and teeth. The other stage is a young frog. The frog has only a small