Research to be conducted on:
Influence of social media on the relationship between traditional marketing communication and consumer purchase intention.
SPSS Data and research findings should demonstrate that:
- 1. social media moderates the relationship between marketing tools, brand awareness and brand association
- 2. brand awareness and brand association mediate the relationship between social media communication and purchase intention.
The hypotheses in this study are as follows:
H1a: Personal selling creates a significant influence on brand awareness
H1b: Advertising creates a significant influence on brand awareness
H1c: Public relations creates a significant influence on brand awareness
H1d: Sales promotion creates a significant influence on brand awareness
H1e: Direct marketing creates a significant influence on brand awareness
H2a: Personal selling positively influences brand association
H2b: Advertising positively influences brand association
H2c: Public relations positively influences brand association
H2d: Sales promotion positively influences brand association
H2e: Direct marketing positively influences brand association
H3a: Social media moderates the relationship between personal selling and brand awareness
H3b: Social media moderates the relationship between advertising and brand awareness
H3c: Social media moderates the relationship between public relations and brand awareness
H3d: Social media moderates the relationship between sales promotion and brand awareness
H3e: Social media moderates the relationship between direct marketing and brand awareness.
H4a: Social media moderates the relationship between personal selling and brand association.
H4b: Social media moderates the relationship between advertising and brand association.
H4c: Social media moderates the relationship between public relations and brand association.
H4d: Social media moderates the relationship between sales promotion and brand association.
H4e: Social media moderates the relationship between direct marketing and brand association.
H5: Brand awareness mediates the relationship between traditional marketing communication activities and purchase intention.
H6: Brand association mediates the relationship between traditional marketing communication activities and purchase intention.
H7: Brand association relates positively to purchase intention.
H8: Brand association relates positively to purchase intention.
H9: Traditional marketing tools relate positively to purchase intention.