As a marketing consultant for UK travel company Experience Travel Group, you have been asked to complete a
marketing audit to analyse both internal and external factors that are impacting on the organisations growth.
You have been given a particular remit to consider the emerging motivations of tourists seeking holidays to include
‘dark tourism’ for future development and growth. Based on your analysis of the dark tourism, assess the options
available to Experience Travel Group to allow it to maintain its competitive position. Recommend with justification,
one option you feel Experience Travel Group could adopt.
(3000 words)
Answer Outline
You should consider:
An overview of dark Tourism and the motivating factors of its emergence in the industry
A situation analysis including SWOT analysis with a particular focus on growth through dark tourism. Micro/macro
environmental analysis, market and competitor analysis could all be undertaken
Summary of the organisations current marketing practice, which should continue to include evaluation of one potential,
specific geographical market/opportunity for dark tourism with justification for future development and growth.
Justification should include supporting rationale for market selection, market entry and barriers to entry if applicable
Identification of segmentation, key target audiences and brand positioning
Recommended a promotional strategy with supporting marketing mix outlined for the proposed market, ensuring its
relevance to the target audience.
Identify at least one significant issue which could affect the overall strategy