ANT 160: Cultural Diversity in the Modern World
Annotated Bibliography (20 points = 20%). Each student will develop an annotated bibliography on a specific global issue/topic/problem. For more information on annotated bibliographies see
This assignment will consist of picking four scientific journal articles in print or online journals that deal with a current global issue or problem. All four references should deal with the same topic. Please list your topic at the top of the first page.
You can find scientific journal articles in Anthropology by going to the UK library website and clicking on Databases, then search for Anthropology Plus. This database is a bibliographic index to articles and essays on anthropology and archaeology, including art history, demography, economics, folklore, linguistics, psychology, and religious studies.
The reference must be listed using the formatting method found in the Chicago Manual of Style (1 point). The Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide ( gives examples of how to cite your articles.
The outline of the article should include: the research question or hypothesis being addressed (1 point), the methods used to study the question (1 point), the results/discussion of the article (1 point), and a brief critical analysis of the research (does the conclusion make sense. Why or why not)(1 point). For more information see
Each reference and outline then is worth a total of 5 points.
A HARD COPY of your work should be given to the TA on the due date listed in syllabus. If the assignment is turned in late without a permitted university excuse, five percent of this score (1 point) will be deducted for every day that it is late.
•Example (another way to find articles besides using Anthropology Plus):
•Go to UK libraries and click on ejournals.
•Type in journal title such as the “Current Anthropology” or “Journal of Rural Social Sciences” or others that deal with topics in Anthropology. Then click on that title.
•Look for articles or under search heading type in your interest or the problem you would like to learn about (i.e. loss of jobs or loss of small farms, gender issues, health issues, etc.).
•A list of current articles will appear. Pick four to review that deal with your issue.
Your Name:
Topic of Interesst:
• Nusbaumer, Michael R. “Rural Masculinity and Antique Tractors: Reliving the Men in the Machines.” Journal of Rural Social Sciences 26 (2011): 101-25.
•Research Question/Hypothesis:
•Collecting of antique tractors is a way for men to retain their masculinity when their traditional rural farming jobs have been lost.
• Methods included data collection by participant observation at antique tractor shows for 10 years, interviews with 21 collectors and one other individual, and examination of information from collecting-related periodicals and other publications.
•Tractor collecting does allow for reenactment of masculinities by creating and sharing nostalgia for these past masculine identities. This is accomplished by having tractors associated to specific familial men who are depictions of past masculinity on the farm. Tractors are anthropomorphized and embody the man, itself with scars and all. Restoration acknowledges hard work and dependability and allows for simultaneous restoration of past identifies and the tractor shows offer a support community for individuals in similar circumstances.
•Critical Analysis:
• Through the use of participant observation, interviews and reviewing magazines, the article lists sufficient data to corroborate the hypothesis that men will use antique tractor restoration and shows to redevelop aspects of masculinity that have been eroded away by the loss of small farms to larger agro-businesses and industries. Antique tractors at shows list the original owners and “genealogy”. They must be in running order, which requires hard work and dependability. Men gain status at these shows for displaying their running antique tractors which verify these qualities of masculinity as defined in rural farming communities.