Deliverables (for assessment)
The management team expects you to complete this task as a group with contributions from all the group members. They are expecting three distinct elements to be demonstrated in your project work, which will also be the attributes assessed for quality of the work:
1. A group project report (45%) – Group submission
As a project group, you are to develop a redesign or modification for the client, and then submit your development as a report. The management group will review and assess your report, based on the following criteria:
• Report structure and presentation style, including referencing
• Description of current product/process/system
• Identification and analysis of current problems
• Description of proposed solutions
• Discussion and demonstration of improvements
The management group also wish to review exactly how your group has worked together - the timing and length and attendance of any meetings, which collaboration tools you have used, and exactly what each group member has contributed. Because of this, they have requested that you submit your report, which will include two parts - the final report, and a page outlining the details of your collaboration and group work.
2. Group project presentation (15%)
While you are developing your project report, the management group wants your project team to prepare a presentation which conveys the concept outlined in your report. Your presentation should be no longer than 15 minutes.
3. Critical review and reflection (40%) - Individual submission.
The senior management group consider that self-reflection is critical skills for the modern engineering professions, as is the giving and receiving of feedback.
Self-reflection on your project work with a statement of 800-1000 words . The reflectionis expected to cover the following elements:
• Your sub-task focus in the group project
• You understanding of the relations between your sub-task(s)/sub-problem(s) and the project problem
• Your analysis of the sub-problem and the opportunities for change
• Your justifications for the proposed solution to the sub-problem(s)
• Discussions on what you learnt from the project, challenges and recommendations for further studies regarding your part of the project work.