For the short answer question, you will be asked to choose one of the three philosophical principles in ethics defined in Module B (i.e., the Imperative Principle and the Principle of Utilitarianism). The choice is entirely yours.
Auditing (Professional Ethics)
Next, you will be asked to consider any one of the short cases that you read and analyzed during the semester. Once again, the choice is entirely yours. Here is the question:
- Please provide a brief definition of any one of the following philosophical principles in ethics:
- The Imperative Principle
- The Principle of Utilitarianism
- Please choose any one of the cases.
For that case, please identify a key decision maker that was featured in the case.
Next, provide a brief analysis of that decision maker’s actions in light of the philosophical principle of ethics chosen in question (A) above.
So, in essence, please conclude about whether the decision maker’s actions were either consistent or inconsistent with the philosophical principle in ethics that you identified and then briefly defend your position.
sample Paper
The principle of Utilitarianism in ethics is defined by outcomes; chiefly, happiness. To this end thus, Utilitarianism is summed up in the adage, the end justifies the means.
A key player in the case of Enron was Jeffrey Skilling, who was hired as the Chief Executive in the finance division in 1990. During his tenure, he was promoted to the President and COO of the company. Skilling initially adopted the Mark-To-Market accounting system