Adventures in Control Structures: Auditing Module 1 SLPNameSecurity Audit Consulting Professor`s nameDateName of the toolBrief description of the program and what it claims to doSpecific business needs being addressed by program and value delivered by itYour reasons why you decided to check it out (first impression)Your overall evaluation of it, to the degree that you can judge; is it something you`d use? Why? (Please comment also on the effectiveness of the demo itself)Consulting company 1EuroQuest performs ISO, TS, EMS and ISMS audits which include gap analyses, IT risk assessments, regularly scheduled internal audits, registration pre-assessment audits and layered process audits (EuroQuest, n.d.).EuroQuest`s audits go beyond merely checking compliance. It takes procedures to ensure that people within the organization are following the security standards. It looks for opportunities to improve the security system by focusing on the sources of risks and assist the companies to launch prevention strategies (EuroQuest, n.d.).EuroQuest has certified auditors who are experts on quality systems and many of them have been registrars (EuroQuest, n.d.). Because EuroQuest is staffed with auditors that have been registrars it means that they understand what registrars of the various systems expect from companies at recertification and hence it is guaranteed that companies that outsource their service are assured of quality internal audits, recertification and good performance on ISO maintenance surveys (EuroQuest, n.d.).Consulting company 2Altius IT performs audits on IT networks and assessments that help organizations to identify manage and lower risks (Altius IT, 2006)....