In the world today, building innovation has become an important aspect and almost a necessity. This has been brought forward by the ever changing complexities brought by technology in this industry. Thus project-based organizations usually carry out diverse approaches when it comes to building innovation inn firms. The construction industry has been one of the areas employing the use of group innovation that have seen immense progress in creation of essentials assets in the human lives. This paper will include a comprehensive analysis and discussion of how the construction industry has employed the use of project-based innovation with specific focus on the various construction industries. The performance of the manner in which project innovation has been used and its role in the construction industry will also be an issue under scrutiny in this study.
According to Blayse & Manley (2004, p. 144) project-based organization usually hold opposing views from the conventional firms in the world today. This is drawn from the numerous differences which exist between such organizations with different orientation. Fernando,Thorpe & Goh (2014, p. 116) hypothesize that it is only in the project based firms that engage in exceptional, original and transient tasks are undertaken. Such projects have to rely on the use of teams in a multi-disciplinary for the purpose of achieving their set goals or objectives. The fact that each project is different from the other forces such organizations to change their approach on an almost daily basis based on the commercial reality today. One of the elements which innovation building projects have continued to involve themselves in includes focusing largely on customer orientation as a strategic aspect. For instance, project based firms here do not focus on mass production of goods but rather customized goods as per the clients tastes and preferences. Other than the construction industry, other industries that sue the same aspect include engineering, consultancies among others (Fernando, Thorpe & Goh, 2014, p. 123).
In the construction industry, there are a lot of unique projects produced as project teams are created and disbanded. Through this, most countries depend on the construction field as it contributes largely to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)…”