BUSINESS PLAN Lingstrom Fashion Store New York U.S.A 10th November 2016 Table of Contents TOC o "1-3" h z u Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc466539102 h 3The Company PAGEREF _Toc466539103 h 4The Products PAGEREF _Toc466539104 h 5Market Analysis PAGEREF _Toc466539105 h 5Competitor Analysis PAGEREF _Toc466539106 h 6SWOT Analysis PAGEREF _Toc466539107 h 6Operations PAGEREF _Toc466539108 h 7Market and Sales Strategy PAGEREF _Toc466539109 h 7Funding Request PAGEREF _Toc466539110 h 8Financial Projections PAGEREF _Toc466539111 h 8Reference PAGEREF _Toc466539112 h 10 Executive Summary The Ownership - The business structure will be a sole proprietorship. The Management – the (owner) shall manage the operations of the business. Staff members shall carry out business logistics and customer response. The Goals and Objectives – the business shall aim to provide high-end quality lingerie products in luxury departmental and online stores. The business has a prospect of having three more stores in the state of New York within the first three years of operation. The Mission – is to provide the highest quality and trendy high-end lingerie fashion alternative in a serene shopping atmosphere for all fashion savvy women. The Vision – is to be the best fashion house of choice, offering quality lingerie fashion with unlimited variety, lifestyle, and value. The Produ...