Case Conceptualization and Genogram
* Due Sunday June 12* Case Conceptualization and Genogram Resources Website icon Case Conceptualization and Genogram Scoring Guide. . Website icon APA Style and Format.. Website icon Writing Feedback Tool.. For this assignment, you will develop a hypothetical couple or family case. The purpose of the assignment is to provide you an opportunity to review and reflect on your clinical development of a case study. You will develop a genogram for this fictional couple or family and choose from specific theoretical models to use, depending on your degree program. The analysis will include theory-based interventions that align with the clinical model chosen. You will also develop a diagnosis for the clients or family using the DSM-5. Your assignment will include three parts: •Case overview with supporting genogram.. •Theoretical model, interventions, and diagnosis.. •Reflection.. You will need to use and cite a minimum of eight scholarly resources; the length of the paper should be a minimum of 12 typed, double spaced pages. Case Overview With Supporting Genogram In 2–3 paragraphs, provide a general description of your selected case, an identification of the clients, and any other presenting information that sets a context for the case and your work with it. Create a supporting genogram that aligns with the narrative for this hypothetical case. The case should include a family system—that is, at least two clients in a relationship with each other. You may choose a family or a couple. Be sure to identify who is attending the sessions. Theoretical Model, Interventions, and Diagnosis Learners in the Marriage and Family Counseling/Therapy program, choose from this list of theoretical models: •Strategic family therapy, including the MRI and Milan models (theorists: Weakland, Jackson, Watzlawick, Haley, Madanes, Palazzoli, Boscolo, Cecchin, Prata).. •Intergenerational family therapy (theorist: Bowen).. •Structural family therapy (theorist: Minuchin).. Learners in the Mental Health Counseling program, choose from this list of theoretical models: •Bioecological theory (theorist: Bronfenbrenner).. •Structural family therapy (theorist: Minuchin).. •Intergenerational family therapy (theorist: Bowen).. After you have identified the theoretical model you will use, complete the following: •Identify the theoretical model you used, and provide a brief overview of the model. Include the theory of change, stance of the therapist, and founding theorists. It is important to use peer-reviewed references to support your discussion of the theory; look for seminal articles written by the founding theorists.. •Include interventions that are used according to the model, providing questions you would ask during the therapy session. Include a discussion on these questions and how the interventions used relate to the theoretical model. For example, if you were using solution-focused therapy, you might ask the miracle question or a scaling question.. •Using the DSM-5, determine a diagnosis for the couple or family. Include a brief discussion about how you developed this diagnosis. Make sure to include seminal articles from the founding theorists for the model as citations for this section.. Reflection In 1–2 pages, write a conclusion summarizing what you learned about yourself as a counselor or therapist. Address the following: •How have you learned as a counselor or therapist to take care of yourself?. •What are some areas you recognize as strengths and challenges?. •When do you think it is important for a counselor or therapist to seek supervision?. •What will you do as a counselor or therapist to increase your own awareness of diversity when working with clients? Provide examples.. •What are some possible issues that may arise when working with a client from a different cultural background from yours?. Submission Requirements •Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.. •APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.. •Number of resources: Minimum of eight scholarly resources.. •Length of paper: A minimum of 12 typed, double-spaced pages, excluding the cover page, reference page, and genogram.. •Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.. Before you submit your work, review the scoring guide to make sure you have met all the criteria. When your work is complete, submit your paper and the genogram to your instructor in the assignment area. Note: Your instructor may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click on the linked resources for helpful writing information.
Case Conceptualization and Genogram Name: Institution Affiliation: Introduction This paper focuses much on the marital case study between Jim and Kathy. The marital issue of the couple both the past and present shall be examinable using the Bowen family systems theory. The examination will be inclusive of the theory and the concepts brought up by the Bowen theory and interventions that apply to the family systems. In accordance to Dr. Murray Bowen in his work on family system theory, he showed that the family system remains to be one system made up of several roles played by every individual (Sperry, 2012). In the Bowen theory of family system, patterns of behavior amongst the members of the family can cause either balance or dysfunction. The marital case between Jim and Kathy is well examinable using Bowen`s theory that identifies eight concepts that interlock within the systems. The analysis tends to be a way from understanding the development of functioning model on how it assists the family members. Overview of the theoretical model The creation of the family assessment titled “family genogram†includes the standardized format for symbolizing different family patterns. Dr. Murray Bowen based his ideas on the description of the family information. Today the genogram is vastly applicable in the variety of clinical setting that includes individual counseling like the case involving Jim and ...