College Essay

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College Essay

1.Please provide a statement that addresses your reasons for transferring and the objectives you hope to achieve. -The main theme is I want to transfer my school to move on to upward level. So to hook a reader, I want you to describe Dubai Fountain little bit at the beginning. I want to connect this with that I am always trying to move forward. If you watch Dubai Fountain video, you will know what I am talking about. Anyway That fountain is the biggest fountain in the world and it shoots water up to 495 ft into the air. to shoot this water it requires a lot of pressure. I want to connect this to this is why I want to transfer to "--- University". Additional Information: In my high school I was captain of swimming team and Lacrosse team. Its hard to be captain in both teams for Asian(Im Korean by the way). And now I joined `Study Abroad program` to American University in Dubai. And during summer break I did 2 month Internship in Table of Global market Trade in DB bank dubai Branch.(I want you to talk about this as main theme). I started work from 8:30am to 9:00pm in the office. If you need more informaiton i will give you more informations about what i did.
Admission Essay If there is any gorgeous and elegant place in the United Arab Emirates, then the Dubai Fountain build on a 30-acre manmade Burj Khalifa lake stands out. The exceptional and magnificent design and architecture of the fountains is an excellent work of art that is un-disputable. The fountains were constructed by the WET Design Company from California, United States of America; the world renowned Fountain designers and constructers who are highly recommended for their outstanding work. Bellagio Hotel Lake Fountains in Las Vegas brought the WET designing work on the world map. The 275m long Dubai Fountain, illuminated with more than 6,000 lights and 25 colored projectors, displays beautiful and lovely scenery in the Dubai nights. The in-built pressure potentially shoots water jets to approximately 150m into the air in a diverse combination of patterns accompanied with a range of classical to modern Arabic and world music. At the Dubai Fountain, the atmosphere is filled with lovely serenades lulling every person or individual within its vicinity. The approximate cost for building Dubai fountain is estimated to be USD 218 million. The mechanism involved here include: high-pressure water-jet shooters that propel and shoot water up to 495 m high, and water robots that gives the water a dancing impression. The super shooters and the extreme shooters are not used most because it requires a great amount of time to build up enough pressure and energy for them to shoo...

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