Critical Thinking & Analysis: Description of the Situation

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Critical Thinking & Analysis: Description of the Situation


this reflection is about me. I was working in this case in simulation class with a group. My role was to check patients vital signs. while working with my group we have done two mistakes with this pt including not given Nitroglycerin spray x 1 every 5 mins as well as not reporting the location of pts pain to a doctor via phone. in addition he had hypertension 167100 heart rate 110 and 710 chest pain
i have attached an example of reflection essay for my friend in a previous year. please have a look as it is little bit different situation but same way and style.

NSB016    Reflection on simulation assignment


Reflection is the examination of personal thoughts and actions… with an aim to develop professional actions that are aligned with personal beliefs and values” (Somerville, 2004).

Using your knowledge of the reflective process, you should address one (1) of the domains of practice:

  • Professional Practice
  • Critical Thinks and Analysis
  • Provision and Coordination of Care
  • Collaborative and Therapeutic Practice

Your aim is to demonstrate critical self-awareness of how decisions during the simulation were made by you and/or the group, identifying personal learning outcomes including awareness of personal strengths and weaknesses. You will clearly state a range of implications for your future nursing practice and the actions you would take if presented with a similar situation in clinical practice.

While this is a reflective piece of work, it does not mean merely describing events. Rather it requires you to consider why this is an important issue in your current practice. When answering, please consider this information and think about the more formal reflective writing that you have done in previous units. You have used the 5 R’s framework for reflection extensively in previous clinical units, and you may use this again. Or, you can choose a different reflective model as a guide.  However, you must use framework and you must indicate which one you are using.

Other examples are:

  • Driscoll’s (2000; 2007) model of “what?, so what? and “now what?”
  • Gibb’s (1988) six-step process of reflection


Title page: You must include a title page with your name, student number, the domain of practice you are addressing and the name of the reflective framework you are using.

References: You will need to use a minimum of two (2) evidence based references in your writing.   While the use of references in regards to Registered Nurse competencies are important and will also need to be used where appropriate, these will not be counted in your two (2) references.

Word count500 words

Submit your reflection through Turnitin.

Additionally, you should conform to the standards of academic writing as articulated in QUT’s cite|write cite. General information about academic writing can be found here

More specific information about writing reflectively can be found here

QUT’s “The 5 R’s Framework for Reflection” can be found here:

Reference List


Driscoll, J. (2000), Practising clinical supervision: A reflective approach, London, Bailliere Tindall.

Driscoll, J. (2007), Practising clinical supervision: A reflective approach for healthcare professionals, Edinburgh,New York, Bailliere Tindall.

Gibbs, G. (1988), Learning by doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods, Oxford, Further Education Unit.

Somerville, D (2004). A practical approach to promote reflective practice within nursing, Nursing times, 100 (12), 42-45. Retrieved from



Critical Thinking and Analysis




Every nurse is required to have proper clinical reasoning skills as well as ability to make good decisions. Due to clinical reasoning, it is the reason why professional nursing education emphasizes on critical thinking skills. The most important thing about critical thinking is required as it is vital for enhancing wellbeing and safety of patients. Ability to think critically is important for a nurse as it will enable him or her to recognize changes in the patient`s condition. Critical thinking skills will also enable a nurse to make an independent decision and should be able to follow as well as anticipating orders (Shoulders-Odom, 2008).


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