Critically analyse your role in recognising and responding to children suffering neglect
LO1: Critically analyse the concepts of safeguarding children and child abuse in the context of your professional role
Write in 3rd person
State your role and why safeguarding is important in this role for example you are a leader or you are responsible for referring. If you do not have a professional role relate it to working in leading a group eg brownies etc, or as a member of the community that has concerns about a child that you live next door to as safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility.
What is safeguarding children?
What is (category of abuse)?
Why is this a concern to you – lead a team, manage a caseload, clinical supervision, or are you just worried about a child in your community?
LO2: Analyse and critically evaluate indicators and signs of child abuse and the impact of child abuse on children
What are the signs of abuse and research to back this up?
What is the impact on children suffering from chosen category of abuse? Education, health, development, future relationships – remember to back this up with evidence and be critical.
Is putting children into foster care and adoption the right thing to do? Research to back up your argument.
LO3: Apply and critically evaluate the policies that underpin your role in the recognition of and response to child abuse.
Consider and evaluate the current policy context, i.e. asking yourself about the effectiveness, timeliness and application of policies in different contexts. Try and do your reading and research in a critical manner - don’t take everything at face value, and don’t always believe everything you read
You could also link this into your local council policy for referral if you are worried about a child
LO4: Critically discuss the factors that inhibit and assist partnership working when safeguarding children suggesting how your profession’s effectiveness may be enhanced.
Use evidence (research, results of inquiries, serious case reviews, reports and policy) to help you make sense of how and how well communities, professionals, agencies, charities, children and families work together
Is there enough information out there for the public to be informed about how to refer a child that they are worried about?