BA (Hons) SW : Research Methods (SS4032) Assessment Task 2017
Purpose of the assignment
This assignment is designed to introduce you to research methods as an area of study and gets you thinking about the area of research you will be focussed on through the production of your dissertation. Through undertaking this task, you should be able to develop a working knowledge of research methods and skills to enable you to undertake either primary or secondary research on a topic relevant to social work practice.
Part A
Critically assess the usefulness of a range of research methods in respect of social work research
(Indicative word length: 1,500 words)
Part B
Undertake a review of current primary research literature that relates to your area of interest for dissertation. The literature review should demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the current issues and challenges in your chosen area of study as well as an understanding of research design in your chosen field.
(Indicative word length: 1,000 words)
Part C
Complete critical evaluation of one of the primary studies that you discussed in your Literature Review (Part B). It is expected you will evaluate all aspects of the research including the design, data collection, data analysis, ethical issues and the conclusion. In so doing you will demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of research methods.
(Indicative word length: 750 words).
The assessment task constitutes 100% of the assessed element of the Module. The total number of words must be stated on the front sheet. The assessment task is 3,250 words in length, excluding the title, any appendices and reference list. Please note that in accordance with School policy you should not exceed the word limit of by more than 10%. Any piece of work submitted with excessive word count will be returned unmarked and classed as a non-submission.