Critically discuss the main features of these forms of business organisation: 1. Sole trader 2. Unlimited partnership 3. Limited Liability Partnership

Module Title: Legal Aspects of Business Module Code: MOD003379

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By referring to relevant legislation and case law critically discuss the main features of these forms of business organisation:

1. Sole trader

2. Unlimited partnership

3. Limited Liability Partnership Up to 40 marks


By referring to relevant legislation and case law critically discuss the fiduciary duties of directors of private limited companies in the UK. These shall include:

1. Duty to act within powers

2. Duty to promote the success of the company

3. Duty to exercise independent judgment

4. Duty to avoid conflicts of interest Up to 60 marks Total: 100 marks


Assessment criteria: 

Knowledge and understanding of relevant legal principles 

Structure 

Analysis and application of law 

Use of sources and academic conventions 

Clarity of expression (grammar, spelling, punctuation)

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