CRN 32196 Critically Examining Professional Practice

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The content and focus of the work should be specific to your own professional pracCce and
plan, however suggesCons for inclusion are:
• A well-defined descripCon of the goal(s) to be achieved
• Tasks/ steps that need to be carried out to reach the goal(s)
• Timeline of deadlines and milestones
• Resources needed to complete the tasks
• Enablers and inhibitors
• EducaCon and development
• Evidence based pracCce
• Socio- economic,poliCcal and cultural influences
• Professional regulaCon
• Professional idenCty.
Assessed intended learning outcomes
On successful compleCon of this assessment, you will be able to:
Knowledge and Understanding
1. CriCcally discuss the nature of professional pracCce within the global health care context
2. CriCcally explore values and beliefs underpinning the nature of professional health care
3. Analyse current personal and professional knowledge and skills and develop a coherent
professional development plan to underpin future studies and career development.
Transferable Skills and other ANributes
5. Development of communicaCons skills, presentaCon skills commensurate with Level 7
studies, debate and criCcal exploraCon
6. IdenCficaCon of learning needs,independent learning, Cme management, personal
moCvaCon, problem solving, search, retrieval, interpretaCon, appraisal and criCque of
appropriate informaCon and evidence including staCsCcal data.
7. CriCcal debate, presentaCon skills, establishing peer support systems and networks for
learning and professional pracCce
To enable criCcal examinaCon of the self and professional pracCce, through the
development of a criCcal reflexive autobiography.
2. To use the criCcal reflexive autobiography as a baseline for further personal and
professional development and career planning
Word count/ dura(on (if applicable)
There is no word count however we would advise, if using Powerpoint, you do not exceed more
that 15-20 slides.
Support arrangements
You will be allocated an academic supervisor who will meet with you to discuss your ideas and
It is your responsibility to arrange to meet your supervisor for support and guidance with this

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