This is an individual report.
You are allowed to work in groups to prepare your research but the submission must be individual.
You will use techniques from Strategy and Creativity to develop a solution to an issue that will be presented to you. The emphasis will be on developing ideas about creative but realistic solutions to the business problem.
The selected issue will be presented to you during through the unit. This will NOT be about a company about which you can find publicised information but you will be directed to where you can find sufficient information in order to successfully attempt the task. Successful completion depends on your ability to take this research and then use the strategy and creativity methods to create differentiated solutions.
The solution will not focus on marketing or other operational activities.
The assignment will be discussed in class and on BREO.
Further important information
- You must include a set of appendices that shows how your ideas were developed (demonstrating use of tools and frameworks). Failure to do this will result in potential failure of the assessment
- You should consider a range of options and recommend a choice which should be justified.
- You must use relevant frameworks and tools from both strategy and creativity in order to meet the criteria.
- You should consider options and make a decision about which strategy the ‘company’ should develop.
- You must not waste words on explaining the tools or writing lit review style descriptions. This will result in a very poor grade.
- We will work on understanding the necessary strategy concepts and using creativity tools during the sessions and in the Guided Learning sections of BREO, as well as making use of important reading. To succeed therefore you must engage with the unit from the start. Students who attempt to do this assignment in a short period of time will face serious risk of failure.
Unit Threshold standards:
Deliver a report in which you identify a range of plausible strategic options supported by ideas and techniques drawn from academic theory and analysis
Guidelines and Additional Information
- You may form your own study group to discuss the topic. However, each student is required to submit an individual report, comprising their own understanding, review, critical analysis and recommendations regarding the issue that you will be given
- Your report will be well presented and logically organized.
- Good clear presentation using an appropriate structure demonstrating effort to communicate effectively will result in higher grades.
- You are expected to use quality sources of evidence
- Use of the Harvard referencing style for citing references – see This not only applies to the bibliography but also to in-text references.
Submission deadline:
Submission deadline is 1000am Teaching week 13 (19th Jan 2018) The report must be submitted electronically via BREO
Please note that no other form of submission will be accepted and failure to meet the deadline may be regarded as a non-submission