Describe a range of methods and practices essential for working with people in both community and public health contexts

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BA (Hons) Public Health & Community studies

Communication Skills and Inclusive Practice 

Required Task

This task comprises two elements; an essay (1500 words +/- 10%) and an assessment of your own work, including marks and feedback, based on the grading criteria for the assignment.


Part 1: You will write a reflective essay on the topic of how can theories of learning help us to acquire the skills needed to work effectively in public health and community studies? Your essay will examine a theory of learning and explain how this will be valuable for your development as a social studies student, including how it will enable you to develop the requisite skills to work and communicate effectively as a professional in the field of community or public health working. Think about why the theory of learning that you are examining will be helpful in understanding how to be a successful student in your field, as well as identifying which skills are important and why.



Part 2: You will be provided with a marking sheet; use this to grade your essay and provide feedback on strengths and weaknesses. Please submit this along with your essay. This can be compared to the feedback you tutor will give you, and will be useful in clarifying development goals for future assignment work.

Learning Outcomes


Describe a range of methods and practices essential for working with people in both community and public health contexts.


Analyse factors that influence communication and inclusive practice and outline methods of promoting effective communication.



Explain the importance of anti-discriminatory practice and valuing diversity in both community and public health contexts


Describe key legislation in relation to communication and promoting anti-oppressive practice and assess its use in public health and community studies


Appraise how theories of learning can aid personal and professional development


Describe a range of methods and practices essential for working with people in both community and public health contexts.


Analyse factors that influence communication and inclusive practice and outline methods of promoting effective communication.



Explain the importance of anti-discriminatory practice and valuing diversity in both community and public health contexts


Describe key legislation in relation to communication and promoting anti-oppressive practice and assess its use in public health and community studies


Appraise how theories of learning can aid personal and professional development

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