I have 9 days instead of 10 days.
There are 4 discussion questions that need to be answered with at least one reference per question.
Case Study Scenarios
Select one case from the following three options as the focus of your project:
Due in 9 days
• The Purpose of Program Evaluation
• Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.
Imagine that you are a counselor working for an organization that currently does not conduct program evaluation. For this discussion, write a memo to your supervisor, suggesting that the organization develop a program evaluation plan. You do not need to detail the program evaluation plan; rather, focus on why program evaluation is important, and how it connects to ethical counseling practice. Support your ideas with material from the text.
The suggested length for this post is 250–350 words.
• ADA and Legal Considerations
• Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Presentation.
Using at least two peer-reviewed articles:
• Describe how the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the law influences working with students who have a disability.
• Share a case that you have worked on in the past or invent one that will apply to this discussion. You can change the information as you need to in order to address the topics in the discussion. For example, you may change the age or ethnicity of the client. Remember to maintain the confidentiality of the client.
• Apply the legal understanding you have gained from your article and coursework while working with a student who has a disability.
• Codes of Ethics
Using the case scenario from your final assignment, apply two Codes of Ethics from our professional bodies (must be the most current codes). One needs to come from NCDA and the other can be of your choice from the suggested list in this unit`s studies. Embellish the case as you need to in order to apply three ethical codes to the case. For example, you can say that the counselor is starting to have romantic feelings towards the client. State which code would apply (ACA, A.5.b), and how you would handle the situation. Make sure you use both codes (NCDA and, for example, ACA).
Using code H.1.b from ACA, identify how you would handle a situation that involves a legal and ethical issue. Clearly state what the issue is and how you would resolve it. For example, working with a child whose parents request looking at case notes. Remember that legally, parents have the rights to educational documents, yet you would want to maintain your ethical responsibility to uphold confidentiality.
• Case Study Scenarios
Select one case from the following three options as the focus of your project:
Alex, 44, is a biracial male, married with two children (ages 2 and 4). His mother is Caucasian and his father is African American. His mother stayed at home to raise him and his three siblings. His father, the first African American to earn his doctorate degree in Linguistics, was a professor at a small-town college and made a modest income.
He is well educated with a Bachelor`s degree in Psychology. He values work but also enjoys spending time with his wife and children. He grew up traveling and hopes to be able to continue that lifestyle.
He has a history of working in construction, building small log cabins, churches, and eventually private vacation homes. He also gained a great deal of experience working as a project manager for city construction. This included the management of multi-million dollar bonded projects such as building new schools and fire stations. He has had experience working for himself, successfully, as well as working with government agencies.
Being dissatisfied with the city he lived in, he and his family moved to another state, thinking he would be able to quickly find work. However, the slow economy has affected the building industry and he has only found limited work for the past two years. He has been working on various small remodeling projects but has not made enough connections to establish himself as well as he was in Massachusetts, his home state. Going back does not seem to be an option due to the costs of moving, and the economy is just as slow in his home town. Plus, he and the rest of the family were not happy living there as they were dissatisfied with the public school system.
The stress has been absorbed by him and his family. His wife believes he will find a good job but is not sure what direction to point him in. She has a stable job as a manager at a national grocery chain, and they have limited family support in there new state, North Carolina. She suggested he see a career counselor as she has insurance through her employer.
He is responsible and articulate. He enjoys autonomy and has a good sense of humor and looks forward to gaining some career counseling.
• Perceived Risk and Prevention
• Lopez-Quintero et al.`s "Probability and Predictors of Remission."
• Blanco, et al.`s "Probability and Predictors of Remission From Life-time Prescription Drug Use Disorders: Results From the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions" (optional reading).
For this discussion, complete the following:
Review the assigned Lopez-Quintero, et al. (2011) article describing results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. Then review what you posted in u03d1 regarding the relative risks of a selected stimulant and depressant. How does the data regarding "remission from lifetime dependence" for the substances you selected impact your assessment of the level of risk for the substances you addressed in u03d1? How do teens surveyed in the current Monitoring the Future study perceive the risk of using these two substances and what strategies may be helpful to impact either increasing the perception of risk or the perception of availability? Be certain to cite scholarly literature to support prevention strategies.
U3D1- According to Lewis (2013), Heroin is a commonly abused opiate that produces a more intense high than marijuana. It affects the central nervous system and those suffering from withdrawals indicate it’s the worst feeling they have ever experienced. Heroin is usually in the form of white or brown powder, or it can be black and sticky “black tar heroin”. Heroin is introduced into the body by injecting it with a syringe, snorting it (nose), and smoking it. Heroin reaches the brain faster by injecting it or smoking it. One of the reasons heroin can be so addicting is the relatively rapid experience of a “rush” or “flash” of pleasure, a highly reinforcing experience. Street names for heroin include: Smack, horse, junk, brown sugar, shit, and mud (Lewis,2013).
There are a wide variety of psychoactive drugs that act as powerful central nervous system stimulants. Examples of these stimulants, or "uppers," are cocaine, methamphetamine, ecstasy, and amphetamines. These substances like heroin are generally not approved for legal use and are considered illegal, recreational drugs. Cocaine is introduced into the body by the same means as heroin, it can be snorted through the nose, smoked, swallowed, or injected directly into the bloodstream. However, cocaine is commonly in a powder form that is snorted through the nose. cocaine blocks the reuptake of dopamine which partially leads to cocaine’s powerful effects of heightened awareness and motivation, euphoria, and increased energy (Lewis,2013).
In the county next door to this writer there have been an increase in deaths related to heroin use. According to WINNEBAGO COUNTY (WIFR), – “The drug problem in our area takes a deadly turn after in just the last week, 10 people have died from probable drug overdoses in the county, nine believed to be from heroin and one death likely from cocaine. Heroin deaths jumped by 50% in 2014, compared to the year before seeing almost one person per week die in Winnebago County. 48 people died last year from a heroin overdose, 32 people died in 2013. The coroner’s office says they do not believe there is anything out of the ordinary for these 10 deaths, but the fact is that this problem is not going away. Winnebago County deputies have been using Narcan, a medication that combats the effects of heroin since June and in the 24 calls they responded to last year for an overdose, they saved 23 lives”.
Lewis, Todd F. (02/2013). Substance Abuse and Addiction Treatment: Practical Application of Counseling Theory, 1st Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from https://bookshelf.vitalsource.com/#/books/9781269585415/
WIFR (2015). Overdose Deaths continue to Rise-Rockford IL. http://www.wifr.com/home/headlines/10-Drug-Overdose-Deaths--290819491.html