The purpose of this assignment is to provide students with an opportunity to apply their course knowledge of Qatar Employment Law in alignment to the Recruitment and Selection function of HRM. The assignment is an analysis and application of current laws and legal information in Qatar.
In pairs (same grouping as Assignment 1), students will design and create a POWTOON’S ANIMATED VIDEO based on Topic 2, Recruitment and Selection, using the documents entitled; “General Principles and Operational Guidelines for Fair Recruitment”, “Guide to Employing a Migrant Domestic Worker” and the ILO International Standards. These documents may be found in D2L for your review. The POWTOON video should be between 1-2 minutes in length.
Assumption: You are recruiting for a Domestic Worker in Qatar and want to communicate a part of the recruitment process to your potential candidates. You are currently recruiting international potential employees. Your goal is to explain elements of the recruitment and selection process to your potential recruits. For example, explain the employment contract, recruitment fees, application process, or the Visa process, etc. You may decide what you communicate, but it must revolve around the Recruitment and Selection function. Use both documents as a guide, as we need to be compliant to international recruitment standards. Keep in mind, the video is only 1-2 minutes in length.
Be creative! You may be able to re-use this PowToon video in the future.
PowToon Video Overview:
Powtoon is a web-based animation software that allows users to create animated presentations by manipulating pre-created objects, imported images, provided music and user-created voice-overs.
Please refer to the following hyperlinks for useful information including getting started and templates for your use:
Best Video Templates for HR Success
There is no right or wrong way to do this assignment. The grading will be based on an appealing, creative, and informative Recruitment and Selection video, using the “General Principles and Operational Guidelines for Fair Recruitment”, “Guide to Employing a Migrant Domestic Worker” and the ILO International Standards.
Once completed, submit the PowToons in the D2L dropbox and to your individual e-Portfolio. Please upload the URL of your video to the Dropbox in D2L as well as post the video in your E-Portfolio.
The HRMG3020 E-Portfolio is a shareable D2L platform that is meant to be updated continually throughout your Qatar Employment Law course. The goal of HRMG3020 is to gather a wide range of supporting documents that can be used in real world employment applications.
It is meant to be visually-pleasing and professional. It can be personal, too!