Web Applications Development
Each team is required to design and develop a complete web application system, including client-side and server-side capabilities, for a business or business area. Your team will decide the business or business area to develop the web application for. Listed in the table below are some examples:
Moving company
Job search
Local Search Engine for a website
Shopping cart
Loan application
Your own business
Job application
Order or shipment status checking
Research website (for a subject)
Payment processing
Rental property search
Online ordering
At the minimum, the web application system must consist of:
• Client-side web application/page
• Server-side application/script
• Server-side application/script which accesses either file(s) or database(s).
This project consists of 3 parts: (All parts must be submitted before the deadlines to receive credits.)
1. Project description in MS Word or pdf format (5%) – File Name: Team#Pj1 (Word or pdf file)
• Functional description of the project
• Technical information: language(s), database(s), …. To be used
2. Project implementation (15%) – File Name: Team#Pj (zip file)
• One zip file containing all required files (The zip file cannot be in .rar or .7z format)
3. Project presentation to the entire class (10%)
• Less than 10 minutes, including the time needed to set up the system
• Brief introduction of the project
• Live demonstration of the project
• Submission of the comment file (Team#Pj3 in pdf or MS Word) which contains
o Screenshots of the project in execution/operation
o Instructions for setting up and testing the project
Grading Policy (1% means 1% of your semester grade)
Violated the Code of Academic Excellence, including:
Summited a solution that was created by other students in previous semesters.
Submitted a solution that was copied from resources or teams.
Part 1: Did not provide the functional description of the project.
Part 1: Did not provide the technical information.
Part 2: Did not satisfy one or more required features.
Part 3: Did not provide the set-up instructions and testing instructions
Part 3: Submitted comment file does not contain the required screenshots.
Part 3: Did not give a presentation or the presentation does not include a live demonstration.
Part 3: Presentation exceeded 10 minutes.
All parts: Submitted one or more files without the names of team members.