Case StudyName:Institution:Date:Pneumonia is among the greatest problems among the aged populations. Its increased severity and frequency of occurrence among the elderly can be attributed to the ageing organ systems (respiratory tract, digestive tract, and immune system). In addition, the presence of comorbidities in old age acts as a significant predisposing factor to pneumonia. Perhaps the most conspicuous characteristic at this age are the unique clinical presentations: falls and confusion is common with minimal classical symptoms. Aspiration pneumonia is one the common Community Acquired (CAP) and Health-Care Associated Pneumonia (HCAP). However, its significance has not been fully elaborated due to the difficulties related to its diagnosis.Case StudyA 75 year-old male presented to the Emergency Department and complaint with symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. The patient was admitted to the intensive care for inpatient management and was diagnosed with a small bowel obstruction that developed into Aspiration pneumonia and septic shock. He was immediately put into oxygen therapy for the septic shock and aspiration pneumonia. He is further intubation is done to deliver fluids in the body and for the empirical antimicrobial therapy with 2g of Ceftriaxone IV daily and IV Hydromorphone for pain. On clinical inquiry, the patient has had a history of sedentary life and the right hip fracture and, therefore, had impaired mobility and feared falling hence could not get out of bed. In addition, depression caused by the post traumatic trauma after the fracture is problematic for the patient, nurses and carers and affected his feeding habits where he only ate one meal a day and was underweight. Nasogastric intubation was then required to feed the patient.Aspiration PneumoniaAspiration Pneumonia is inhaling the gastric and oropharyngeal into the larynx and lower respiratory tract. In healthy adults, aspiration may occur frequently in small quantities; however, the defense systems of the body eliminate these materials with minimal effects. Aspiration may cause several pulmonary syndromes that include; aspiration pneumonitis (Mendelson`s syndrome) and pulmonary aspiration that occur after aspiration CITATION Mar11 l 1033 (Marik, 2011). In addition, there are airway obstruction, lung abscess, exogenous lipoid pneumonia, chronic interstitial fibrosis, and mycobacterium fortuitum pneumonia syndromes. Risk factors in this disease include; supine positioning, impaired level of consciousness, gastroesophageal relux, neurological deficits, mal positioned feeding, and poor oral health CITATION Mar11 l 1033 (Marik, 2011).Aspiration anemia is caused by a wider range of organisms compared to other communities acquired pneumonia and...