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100% Plagiarism Free & Custom Written - Tailored to Your Instructions


All assessment items are individual submissions. You are asked to submit the assignment though the link provided.

You are encouraged to discuss the with others to improve your understanding and to clarify requirements, but you should develop the solutions to the assessment items on your own.

All assignment submissions must be completed individually via your study desk.


Collusion and cheating is considered to be a very serious issue and all assignments will be closely monitored to ensure that all students are submitting their own work. This ensures that all students are treated fairly and graded on their own knowledge and work. It is acceptable to discuss course content with others to improve your understanding and to clarify requirements however you must not discuss the actual assignment solution and the solutions to assignment questions must be done on your own. You must not copy from anyone, including tutors and fellow students, nor provide copies of your work to others. Assignments that do not adhere to this requirement will be deemed the result of collusion or cheating. This may lead to severe academic penalties as outlined in the Student Academic Regulation Misconduct policy which can be found at:-

It is your own responsibility to ensure the integrity of your work. It is recommended that you use passwords to protect your files and ensure that others are unable to access your work.

All assignments must be submitted in electronic form via the link on the Study Desk by the due date. Ensure that you read the extension guidelines as per the USQ/BELA policies and procedures. The only requests that will be considered are those that fall within the specified guidelines of USQ/BELA. Do not assume that all extension requests will be approved.

Read each assessment item question carefully and refer as required to your course textbook and I/SB materials. I encourage students to post any queries that they have regarding this assignment on the course Study Desk. I also encourage other students to get involved in these postings. However, you should avoid directly answering any question related to assessment times. As a course examiner, I will keep any eye on the

forums and intervene wherever required. Please make sure to read the Study desk item regarding contact with the course team prior to directly contacting the course team.




Marks can be deducted for the following errors:

  • Problems with format and structure of report.
  • Lack of referencing (Harvard referencing format is the acceptable standard).
  • Spelling, grammar and expression error.
  • Indication of plagiarism/collusion.
  • Inappropriate use of in-text references.
  • Late Submission as per USQ/BELA policies and procedures (these override any other available information).
    1. See the late submission policy of BELA/USQ for further details.
    2. An Assignment submitted more than ten University Business Days after the deadline will have a mark of zero recorded for that Assignment. The assignments and their due dates are listed in the study schedule to give you some forewarning so that you may organize your study program.
  • Submission of a TURNITIN report is NOT required for this assessment item. However, it is the student’s responsibility that the submitted work is plagiarism and collusion free. Any indication of plagiarism and collision can result in a mark of ZERO. Students are allowed to use any applications to check their work for plagiarism and collusion (I believe you are able to open a free account on the TURNITIN website, and in any case there are many other free Plagiarism/Collusion checking applications available through on the internet.
  • Normally, it is hard to put the percentage number correctly on TURNITIN report as it all depends on the actual report contents produced by the TRUNITIN application or any other application. As a general rule, less than 10% is acceptable.
  • A review of any assessment item is only possible if the request is received within 5 days of the release of the marks of the assessment item. After this, no review requests will be accepted.


  • Your assignment should adhere to the Harvard referencing style. Refer to Chapter 2: Referencing in the Communication skills handbook (3ed by Summers and Smith) for guidance on how you should cite your references following this style. (If you need further information or help in this regard, contact the USQ library).


  • For all assessment items please follow the following digital file naming convention (if you do not follow this you will lose marks):

Assessment Details (CIS8004 - Enterprise Planning and Implementation)


You are working as an IS/ICT specialist for a major organization. You are head of the team future digitalization project.


Your organization is looking to reduce the investment in IT and enable quicker time to market solutions.


Your manager returns from a conference at which he was given a demonstration on the role of cloud computing in the future of the industry. He is excited about this new technological development and asks you to research the feasibility of changing your organisation from a mostly on premise in-house supported solution model to a cloud based computing environment. He currently shares with you the following concerns:


  1. The major investment in the ERP solution which is now 5 years old requires a lot of support and maintenance from skills you currently do not have in-house.


  1. There is an aging CRM solution which is not mobile enabled and there is a major upgrade available from the vendor which provides new features and capabilities as well as a cloud computing option with managed services.


  1. Recently there has been a lot of hype around the Internet of Things and as part of this you are requested to determine if wearables would be appropriate within the environment and how they could provide greater customer value.


For this assignment, you are allowed to choose any organisation to facilitate the content of the assignment. In this course, there are three components which need to be submitted as a professional business report (each report should be a complete document in its own right) to the chief technology officer of the major organisation.

Price: £109

100% Plagiarism Free & Custom Written - Tailored to Your Instructions