SELF MUTILATION FOR COPING AMONG THE YOUTHS Name: Institutional Affiliation: Self Mutilation for Coping among the Youths Introduction The element of self mutilation as an avenue for copying among the youths has resulted in several controversial issues within the field of psychology. The act of self mutilation that include overdosing and self-cutting have been conducted for various reasons, with the most common rationale being to relieve tension and a bottled-up anger in order to feel in control of a life situation or punish individuals for combating conflicting with the feelings of deadness and numbness. This paper seeks to conduct an annotated bibliography on self mutilation as an avenue of copying. Borrill, J., Fox, P., Flynn, M., & Roger, D. (2012). Students who self-harm: Coping style, Rumination and Alexithymia. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 22(4), 361-372. doi: 10.1080/09515070903334607 According to this author, the youths who have deficient skills