Book review Name Institution Date Control of private property in capitalist economies by the state remains unclear mainly because perceived absolute control of the means of production by capitalists. Unlike socialist economies, private owners control much of their means of production, as well as being entitled to their profits. One question that usually arises in these markets is about the extent to which the government can control private ownership of the means of production. “Economy and State: A Sociological Perspective” by Nina Bandelj and Elizabeth Sowers explores through dualism economic theory, significance of governments control in private ownership. Thesis statement: The authors assert that much like in a socialist economy, private ownership should be an entity of economy left in the regulation of state Summary of the book Nina Bandelj and Elizabeth Sowers’ “Economy and State: A Sociological Perspective” explores the dynamics of intersection between economic sociology and social change in globalization. In order to advance new explanations of their theories in social economics, they focus on the bases of economy at the micro and macro levels through a quantitative, qualitative method or both. This book largely focuses on the factors that determine economic development. The key issues are the control of the state in economic development and other issues pertaining sociological perspective of economic development. In a modern w...