ED5012 Research Proposal Form (RPF)
Q2. Programme Name
Q3. Seminar Tutor
For example: Education Studies / Education with Psychology - if you are a combined student please state your two subjects
Please indicate who is your Seminar Tutor?
Q4. Working Title of Proposed Research Project
Q5. Identify three/ more research questions relating to your chosen topic
Q6. State how this project develops from the modules in your programme that a) you have studied and b) which you intend to study. PLEASE refer to specific module code(s) and discuss how they link with your topic.
Q7. Identify at least six references related to your topic. These should include academic books and journals articles and explain how they link to you topic.
Q8. Provide a 100 -150 word summary of your research project; this should include the methods chosen for your research.
Supervisor’s Name
Date Approved