Subject:Education business and management Questions:The influence factors for graduate students’entrepreneurial intention and gender differences
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Questionnaire on Education
Add 1-2 lines where you explain what the research is about and that you are a student of the programme. Please tick(√)the most appropriate response. The data (Information) collected through this questionnaire will be kept confidential; and it will be used exclusively for research purpose of University of Birmingham.
1.Are you interested in entrepreneurship?
□ Strongly interested
□ Interested
□ Neutral
□ Somehow interested
□ Not at all
2.Do you intend to start your career in entrepreneurial activities after you graduate in your current Education?
□ Yes, I do –go to question 3-4
□ No, I don’t –go to question 5
□ Have not considered –go to question 5
- If you choose “Yes” in the second question, please select the most impact reason for your entrepreneurial decision.
□ Entrepreneurship can help solve employment problem
□ Entrepreneurship can promote social status
□ Entrepreneurship can quickly access to capital and resource
□ Entrepreneurship can help me achieve self value
□ Others _______________________
- If you choose “Yes” in the second question, when will you start your entrepreneurial career?
□ During my studies at University
□ After graduation
□ After having some work experience
□ After having higher degree (MA/PhD)
□ others _______________________
- If you choose “No” and “Have not considered” in the second question, please select which factor is the biggest barrier to start a business?
□ Lack of capital
□ Lack of work experience
□ Lack of social network
□ Lack of support from family
□ Lack of confidence to take risks
□ Others _______________________
- Have you received advanced entrepreneurial education or training?
□ Yes, I have
□ No, I haven’t
- How do you think the relationship between your major and further entrepreneurial activities?
□ Related closely
□ Have relationship but not close
□ A little bit related
□ Not related at all
- Are there any entrepreneurs in your family?
□ There are not any entrepreneurs in my family
□ There is one entrepreneur in my family
□ There are two or more entrepreneurs in my family
- How do you think the intention of entrepreneurship is different between men and women?
□ Men have stronger entrepreneurial intention than women
□ Women have stronger entrepreneurial intention than men
□ Entrepreneurship is not related to gender
- How do you think men and women have different attitudes to risk taking?
□ Men accept risks more than women
□ Women accept risks more than men
□ The attitude towards risk taking is not about gender
- To what extent do you think the below personality traits are important to be a successful entrepreneur?
SD=Strongly Disagree, D=Disagree, N=Neutral, A=Agree, SA=Strongly Agree |
SD |
D |
N |
A |
SA |
1 |
Strong spirit for challenge |
2 |
Strong responsibility |
3 |
Flexible ability to adopt different environments |
4 |
Extroverted character |
5 |
Sympathetic personality |
6 |
Others –please specify- |
- Do you agree that the factors below can be a challenge in your further entrepreneurial career?
SD=Strongly Disagree, D=Disagree, N=Neutral, A=Agree, SA=Strongly Agree |
SD |
D |
N |
A |
SA |
1 |
Ability to innovate |
2 |
Ability to manage and operate business |
3 |
Ability of social network |
4 |
Ability to access to capital sources |
5 |
Influence of social norm (paid employment, social status) |
6 |
Influence of limited opportunities |
7 |
Ability to tolerate risks |
8 |
Ability to adopt fierce competition (to be competitive in industry) |
9 |
Others |
- How old are you?
□ Less than 18
□ 18-21
□ 21-24
□ 24-27
□ Older than 27
- What is your gender?
□ Male
□ Female
- What is your education background?
□ Primary school
□ Secondary school
□ Undergraduate
□ Postgraduate
□ Doctor
□ Others –please specify- ___________________
- What’s your current employment/study condition?
□ I’m currently studying
□ I have been employed
□ I’m currently self-employed
□ I have not been employed after graduation education