In this present generation environmental pollution has become a serious problem all over the world this is due to gradual increase in industrialization and traffic has resulted in the increase of air pollution, spoliation in air quality. Different pollutants effect the air quality such as carbon monoxide, sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides and lead. The most widespread pollutant in the air is carbon monoxide, this carbon monoxide comes from the burning of fuel which contains carbon, petrol, oil. Due to this the particulate matter which is present in the air can enter the human body, effects the different major organs and also cardiovascular system. The carbon monoxide is readily taken up by blood much more than oxygen. The standard carbon monoxide should not exceed the standard PPM if it exceeds the standard PPM then there change in air quality. Research questions:
1) How can air pollutants affect human health?
A: - Particulate matter PM2.5 and ultra-fine particulates (UFP) that travel below the tracheobronchial region and can even be dissolved into blood. In this way, the pollutants affect human health.
2) How to measure Air Quality?
A:- In order to measure air quality ,networks of monitor records the concentration of different pollutants at different locations in the world each day .The measured values then converted into Air Quality Index .The AQI values are calculated based on the individual pollutant in an area .The pollutant with the highest AQI reading on the day is recorded as a principal pollutant .The other method to measure Air Quality Index is based on different scales different countries uses different scales for example [1-10 in UE] [1-6 in Romania] [0-100 in USA].Based on the each air pollutant the concentration values that are recorded every hour, based on that concentration Air Quality Index is calculated. The methods that were used in Air Quality prediction problem are genetic algorithms-nearest neighbor.
3) What is K-nearest neighbor technique and how it is used?
A: -k-nearest neighbor technique is one of the strategies utilized as a machine learning. This technique is based an object that is classified based on attributes and training samples using k-nearest neighbor. Firstly, we take the values of different air pollutants that were recorded to perform this technique we need an integer value “K”, training data and metric to measure the “closeness” between instances.
4) How does hourly, day, weekly air quality is calculated?
A: - For measuring air quality we must measure meteorological conditions such as Wind, Temperature, Rainfall, Air pressure conditions. Global historical climatology network daily records datasets over global land areas. The hourly air quality is calculated based on the data readings over the previous 8 hours for CO, previous 24 hours for PM2.5and previous hour for PM10.And the daily air quality is calculated same as the hourly. Based on these data readings we can calculate day, hourly air quality.
Research Plan: -
One of the most challenging problems around the world is weather prediction. Weather forecasting is a most important application in metrology weather forecasting prediction is invest age based on the use of data mining techniques in forecasting attributes like Maximum temperature, Minimum temperature ,these techniques were carried out by decision tree algorithms and metrological data that were collected from the different cities .The prediction approaches are challenged by complex weather phenomena .Weather phenomena have many parameters like Maximum temperature, Minimum temperature ,humidity and wind speed are impossible to enumerate and measure .The main reason for weather prediction is based on Min temp and max temp .On the basis of this parameters,we can predict there is full cold or full hot or snow fall. In this project using weka [Waikato environment knowledge analysis]. Weka is a data mining specialized software. This is a popular tool for machine learning. In this project with the help of weka we want to show algorithms for data analysis, graphs, cluster. By collecting the different data prediction on test data is showed by using the Weka. Literature review on this project will give you a detail description on how data is inserted into Weka, how the cluster is formed. For this, I will read research articles and I will found out the data from different websites. To overcome the problems in present Air quality I will come up with a best possible solution. Below is a snapshot of Gantt chart which gives brief description schedule of the work to be done during the research of the study.
Air pollution is an important factor which effects both human and environment. To avoid the consequences of pollution, Authorities have developed air quality monitoring network that informs AQI. Different techniques such as statistical methods, a collection of recorded data stored in the data warehouse can be used to forecast future values of the most important air pollution parameters, as well as AQI. Data that are collected is used as input for the algorithm.