EPIGENETICS LITERATURE REVIEWABSTRACTThis study is based on survivability of cancer cells and the events which occur during the process i.e tumorigenic process. Many researchers found that during this process cancer cells changes their properties and modify themselves for their survivability. It is found that these changes occur due to alteration or disruption of genetic and epigenetic processes. The main focus is on epigenetic process because due to alteration in DNA methylation, cancer cells may activate and DNA methylation is the main mechanism of epienetics. Epigenetic process is the mechanism during which gene expressions may change without altering DNA sequences. Epigenetic therapies has been introduced by which a cancer cell may start to function like a normal cell so it is thought that epigenetic processes are reversible. Main experimental findings in this paper includes that impaired methyltransferase (enzyme) in some cancer cell generates pressure to remaining DNA methylation to stay in the regions which are important for survival of cancer cells. Further studies showed that the genes must undergo through silencing by DNA methylation for survival of cancer cell. DNA methylation is the main event in epigenetics and tumorigenesis. Through these findings scientists may able to control the spreading of cancer or disease through epigenetic therapies.BACKGROUND DESCRIPTION:Epigenetics is the mechanism in which gene expressions may change without alteration in DNA sequences. It involves DNA methylation, which is the main factor for survivability of cancer cells. So epigenetics has very improtant role in survivability without DNA methylation cancer cells become dead. Baylin & Ohm (2006) ; Jones & Baylin (2007) found that genetic and epigenetic alterations plays an important role in functions of cancer cell. In view of some other scientists i.e Carvalho, You & Jones in 2010; Meissner (2010) & Robertson (2005), DNA methylation is important mechanism of epigenetics which plays some vital roles including inactivation of X chromosomes, embryonic development, genomic imprinting etc. Further advancement in this field helps in treatment of such diseases by epigenetic therapies.MAIN EXPERIMENTAL FINDINGS:The main experimental findings in this article includes the hypothesis that DNA methylation is the main event in epigenetics which helps in survivability of cancer cells (Rhee, et al. 2002) Scientists proved this by performing various experiments. In 2007 Spada, et al. found that reduction of DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) can cause demethylation which results in reduction of survivability of cell and causes death of cell thus proving that DNA methylation is important for survivability of cancer cell. They pe...