PROJECT ---- Ethical Use of Facebook by Attorneys PLS WRITE THE Annotated Bibliography for this Paper/Project Ethical Use of Facebook by Attorneys Facebook is a social networking website that allows users to create their profiles and keep in touch with relatives, colleagues or friends by sharing information, messages, photos and other contents using words, videos, photographs and other communication methods (Chester, 2012). Facebook offers fast-hand possibilities in how information is obtained or manipulated. Attorneys’ use of social media is an issue that has raised ethical issues regarding information following and reporting (Browning, 2010). The ABA Model Rules, specifically RPC 4.1 (Truthfulness in Statements to Others) prohibits attorneys from making false or misleading statements. This rules have also been extended to social media websites. For example, The South Carolina Ethics Opinion 12-03, concluded that lawyers may not participate in social media websites that allow non-lawyer users to post legal questions (McHale & Garulay, 2012). Solicitations by an attorney in terms of advertising themselves using Facebook or offering to provide legal services f