Ethics Approval Form for Sociology Research Projects Name: Instructor: Date: Ethics Approval Form for Sociology Research Projects All students planning to undertake any research activity in the Department of Sociology are required to complete this Ethics Release Form and to submit it to their Research Supervisor prior to commencing their research work. This form should be completed in the context of the following information: * An understanding of ethical considerations is central to planning and conducting research. * Approval to carry out research by the Sociology Ethics Committee does not exempt you from the ethics-specific approval that you may need to seek from institutions within which you may be planning to conduct your research (such ashospitals, NHS Trusts, HM Prisons Service, etc.). * When planning your research, you should refer to the (published) ethical guidelines provided by the British Sociological Association. * Important: Students are not permitted to begin their research work until approval has been given by the Sociology Ethics Committee anduntil this form has been signed by their Research Supervisor and the Department`s Ethics Representative. Section A: Student Details Please ind