Event Management

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Event Management



Your organisation is considering whether to become a major sponsor for next year’s Tour Down Under event. Your Board of Directors has asked you to compile a report for their consideration. Your task is to use the sponsorship screening process framework CEDAREE to help justify the decision as to whether your organisation should or should not become a major sponsor of the Tour Down Under.

Prepare a report that outlines:

• the pros and cons of this potential sponsorship agreement;

• the organisational/event fit;

• the marketing benefits with a concise summary of the proposed marketing plan;

• the return on investment; and

• a recommendation as to why this opportunity should be accepted or rejected.

Note. The Tour Down Under, a 7-day event, is a major professional road cycling event. It begins and finishes in Adelaide with 150 cyclists from around the globe competing for the winner’s jersey. The tour is the first stop in the ProTour world cycling calendar and the first ever event to be held outside of Europe. The Tour Down Under attracts hundreds of thousands of spectators and attracts many thousands of event-specific visitors from interstate and overseas. The Tour Down Under injects many millions of dollars into the South Australian State`s economy through the direct expenditure of event specific visitors. Total visitor nights during the Tour Down Under are high and many of these are event specific visitors.

For more information:

Tour Down Under: http://www.tourdownunder.com.au

South Australian Tourism: http://www.southaustralia.com/

Textbook used for Event Management MBA – Allen/O’Toole/Harris/McDonnell Fesitval & Special Event Management Fifth Edition ISBN: 9781742164618

Important Assignment writing instructions; 

This is for an MBA program and that research should be deep and the standpoint should be firm (executive).

Marking for this paper is based on:

• Principles learnt (for example, number and understanding of principles referred to, their influence on the structure of this paper, number and correct citations of references, use of appropriate jargon)

• Applications of principles. That is, the analysis and evaluation of the example problem based on the principles, including the final recommendations and their justification

• How well the example problem was described, including the extent and depth of information (including the data) about it that was accessed.

• Structure &Presentation

• Style, grammar and language

Font: Calibri size 12

Format: (Max 2500 Word Count with 10% overage allowance = 2750

No plagiarism allowed

Line spacing 1.5 for assignment

Line spacing Single for References section


Default Margin 3.17 Left/3.17 Right

2.54 Top/Bottom

Left aligned

1. Assignments must contain proper citations and referencing using the Harvard style referred. that is:

a. citations (or in-text references) of quoted and paraphrased materials to support your arguments/comments, and

b. a reference list relating specifically to your in-text references.

2. Your grade will be adversely affected if there is no/poor citations and/or reference list, as referred to above.

3. Assignments of this nature normally contain between 12 and 20 relevant references from different peer sources in the reference list. Must be Peer Reviewed.

4. All references must be from credible sources. Journals sourced from the EBSCO Host library (see Online Library User Guide on the next page) should be used first, then books, company documents and other media.


The total number of words should not exceed 2500 words (excluding your cover page, an executive summary, table of contents, list of references or appendices.) Only allows a 10% Margin. (Penalties will apply if you exceed the word limit). You may place any supporting material that exceeds this word limit in the appendices. However, a reader should not have to look at an appendix to determine the main thrust of the points you are making in your assignment. So make sure all your main points are in the body of your assignment and refer to the appendices that will support the points you are making.

Please note I have lost points in the past for the following errors in the Assignment:

Make sure there are "no indents" 


Event Management Student: Professor: Course title: Date: Executive Summary At present, sponsorship of events and sports is a marketing activity that is growing rapidly and is actually a vital communication tool that gradually more companies are utilizing. Using the CEDAR EE sponsorship screening process framework in this report, it is determined that the organization should go ahead and sponsor next year’s Tour Down Under event to be held in Adelaide, South Australia. The Tour Down Under event has traditionally been held in Europe and it has an admirable track record. It has high reputation and is highly regarded. The opportunity of sponsoring this famous event fits well with the overall mission of my organization, and there are several benefits the organization will enjoy by sponsoring the event. These benefits include brand enhancement, increased awareness, improved image and reputation, as well as increased sales. The sponsorship will benefit marketing since it will result in increased visibility on account of positive publicity through the media. Table of Contents  TOC o "1-3" h z u  HYPERLINK l "_Toc411757832" Executive Summary  PAGEREF _Toc411757832 h 2  HYPERLINK l "_Toc411757833" Event Management  PAGEREF _Toc411757833 h 4  HYPERLINK l "_Toc411757834" 1.0 CEDAR EE Sponsorship Screening Process  PAGEREF _Toc411757834 h 4  HYPERLINK l "_Toc411757835" 1.1 Customer audience  PAGEREF _Toc411757835 h ...


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