Evidence based nursing: Self-Monitoring in the fight of diabetes type 2NameCourseInstructorDateIntroductionThere are numerous calls from all concerned parties to enhance the provision of evidence-based practice by the nursing staff in relation to dealing with diabetes care among patients. Problem Statement: There are numerous mechanisms that have been suggested to be applied in the fight against diabetes type two. The most basic mechanism has been to investigate how blood glucose self-monitoring can help in glycerin control thus fighting diabetes. The paper is concentrating on using evidence-based practice involving self-monitoring aimed at reducing glycerin to facilitate the cure of diabetes. Essentially, the paper shall be looking at the effectiveness of the self-monitoring process in the fight against diabetes. Method: The paper shall rely on qualitative techniques where it shall obtain information from a total of ten articles written by various researchers in the same field. These articles will be those that are widely accepted due to their depth, credibility, and ethical considerations.Literature review:According to McAndrew et al. (2007), the fight against diabetes type 2 depends on the effectiveness of self-monitoring activities. The reason behind the advocacy for self-monitoring is associated with its cost-effectiveness where patients can access quality healthcare at reduced costs (O’Kane et al., 2008; McIntosh et al., 2010; Peel et al., 2007; Polonsky & Fisher, 2013; Watkins et al., 2000; Klonoff, 2008). Use of self-monitoring enhances the patients to gauge the progress of glucose in their blood thus giving them direction on what steps to take next (Butalia et al., 2010). It is evident that a reduction in glucose is a prudent measure in the glycerin reduction mechanisms of the body, which helps in the fight against diabetes type 2 (Wendy et al., 2010). The basic way of dealing with this disease is ensuring that the glucose levels are reduced to pave way for proper control and management of glycerin (Farmer et al., 2007; Franciosi et al., 2001)This paper shall be aiming at building on the above information obtained from the provided sources to come up with the findings that will widen the knowledge regarding evidence-based practice and patient safety..Evidence-Based Practice Matrix of Ten Pieces of Primary Research on One Topic Related to NursingAuthorsResources/DatabaseYear of PublicationResearch TypePopulation/sample sizeOutcome Variables MeasuredPertinent Data From ResultsAuthors suggested conclusionsCommentsMJ O’Kane EBSCO2008:qualitativePatients/Diabetic patients in a clinicAssessing the effect of self-monitoring of blood glucoseType 2 diabetes has no impact on glycerin controlMonitoring and glycerin control have no relationshipSelf monitoring can be encouraged amon...