FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Student name Professor’s name University State City Date Executive Summary This paper will present a discussion of two competing companies with regards to historical and expected future performances. The first company identified is Wal-Mart, which is a giant retailer shop. COSTCO Wholesale Corporation (COST) is identified as its chief competitor. In this paper, the two companies are briefly introduced. Afterwards they are compared with regard to their financial statements for the years 2013 and 2014 where the ratios are analyzed and at the end of the paper a recommendation and a conclusion are given. This paper takes into account not only the quantitative aspects of the companies but the qualitative aspects as well. Table of Contents TOC o "1-3" h z u HYPERLINK l "_Toc418592472" Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc418592472 h 2 HYPERLINK l "_Toc418592473" Background PAGEREF _Toc418592473 h 4 HYPERLINK l "_Toc418592474" Wal-mart PAGEREF _Toc418592474 h 4 HYPERLINK l "_Toc418592475" COSTCO Wholesale Corporation (COST) PAGEREF _Toc418592475 h 4 HYPERLINK l "_Toc418592476" Overview of The Impact of Global Factors PAGEREF _Toc418592476 h 4 HYPERLINK l "_Toc418592477" Industry Trends And Ability To Cope With Them PAGEREF _Toc418592477 h 6 HYPERLINK l "_Toc418592478" Financial Analysis PAGEREF _Toc418592478 h 7 HYPERLINK l "_Toc418592479" Recommendati...