Running head: ZOOSArticle critiqueNameUniversityCourseInstructorDateAbstractZoos serve the purpose of educating, entertaining the public, preserving species, and for scientific research. This paper provides the critique of Dale Jamieson`s article “Against Zoo” Jamieson, D. (1985). Against Zoos, In Peter Singer (ed), In Defense of Animals. New York: Basil Blackwell, pp. 108-117. Zoos deprive animals of their liberty since they are restricted from gathering food, behaviorally modified and prevented from developing their social orders. As stated by the author, zoos serve the purpose of educating, amusing, preserving species and for scientific research. But the author does not see these roles as good reason to keep wild animals in alien settings where there liberties are curtailed. These reasons do not justify keeping animals in zoos. For instance, he argues that films, lectures and slides can be used to educate the public the importance of protecting our animals without dragging the ani...