Food safety for people with diabetes
• Include a 3-5 page (double spaced) summary that describes how you applied the information to your project.“FOOD SAFETY FOR PEOPLE WITH DIABETES” • Create/develop a "tool" for patient education on that topic “FOOD SAFETY FOR PEOPLE WITH DIABETES” • This could potentially be something you can implement at work, with a family member/friend, or in the future as a healthcare provider. • Apply strategies for effective patient education/compliance discussed in this book: Falvo, D.R. (2011). Effective patient education: A guide to increased adherence. 4th ed. Sudbury , MA : Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc. IBSN-13: 9780763766252. • This are the indications from my instructor: A total of 35 points will be awarded as follows: 5 points: Writing is clear, logical and organized. 6 points: Follows APA form and style guidelines for publication (as required by BHSc Program), including reference list and within-text citations. Falvo, D.R. (2011). Effective patient education: A guide to increased adherence. 4th ed. Sudbury , MA : Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc. IBSN-13: 9780763766252. 6 points: Selects appropriate project (ie, related to a topic covered in this course), methods, and strategies to apply and discuss. 6 points: Applies concepts of patient education in development of tool. 6 points: Cites literature to support strategies selected/applied in project (3 points for using textbook, 3 points for using other resources). 6 points: Consistently uses correct grammar and spelling. NOTE!!!!!: In general, my instructor wants us to do: the 3 pages summarize of this topic “FOOD SAFETY FOR PEOPLE WITH DIABETES “and the “tool” (as a visual learning), that it can be a pamphlet, or 3-fold brochure. Both have to be related to each other. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION, CONTACT ME, PLEASE.
INCLUDEPICTURE "" * MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "" * MERGEFORMATINET Diabetes is a chronic disease that needs careful management through the dieting process. Because of the numerous complications from the disease, the association of food safety, diabetes and immunity levels cannot be ignored.Phone: Fax: Web addressIntroductionThe occurrence of diabetes increase susceptibility to other illnesses, because of weakened immunity.Food safety also affects the immunity levels of patients, and hence it is essential to provide information on the association between the two.Processed foods are safe than raw foods, but unsuitable for diabetic patients. Raw and food that is not properly washed present challenges towards achieving food safety.Medical practitioners have long called for...