Foundations of Educational Technology Name: Institution: Course: Date: Topic 1 Describe a typical instructional flow for a small unit of instruction such as a single lesson For teachers, bring a new concept to the students is always the norm. Teachers will always help the students to understand and relate to new content as they build on their knowledge. The first step of instructions to a small unit in the event of starting a lesson, is working from the known. Ideally, teachers have to involve the students from the things and concepts that they are familiar with to what they are not familiar with. As such that first step is to relate to what the students know. This way the students will be in a position to form a basis for the new information and concepts they are about to receive. The teachers will them the new concept with the related terminologies (Spector, 2013). The students learn how the various terms are described and how they relate to the new concepts. The students are then led to relate the new concepts and information to the old concepts that they already knew in an effort to create a connection in their memories. This will help them to remember much easily, as they memories are easily connected to concepts that they already know (Carswell, 2009). The last stage involves the ability for the students to monitor their own abilities relative to the new and old concepts. At this stage, the students will tell if they actually understand the new concepts and if they ...