Globalization and the Environment GARC 2002 – Group Project

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The groups will conduct an expert interview in one field of the cases (Fashion, food, or
transportation) and explore the impact of Globalization and the Environment on this industry.
Phase 1: Research and Planning
• 1000-1500 word report
• Summarise your research and findings.
• Include an authorship and contribution statement: specify your written segment, role and
tasks in the group.
• Submit the report along with supporting materials such as interview transcripts,
photographs, videos, etc.
1. Research the field in a specific context: Choose a field from the course’s main case
studies ( Fashion, Food , Transportation) and put it in a specific context like a
country, a company or an imitative.
2. Find an Expert: After choosing the field and the context, find an expert who can
provide informative insights into this field.
3. Research the expert: Before the interview, you should research the background and
expertise of the expert you will be interviewing. This will help you understand the
context of the expert`s work and come up with relevant questions.
4. Prepare a list of questions: You should come up with a list of questions you would
like to ask the expert. These questions should be focused on topics related to
Globalization and the environment.
5. Practice the interview: You should practice the interview beforehand, either alone
or with a friend. This will help you feel more comfortable during the interview and
ensure you can effectively communicate your questions.
6. Prepare to take notes: You should come prepared to take notes during the
interview. This will help you remember important points the expert makes and allow
you to refer back to the information later.
7. Be respectful and professional: You should remember to be respectful and
professional during the interview. Make sure to thank the expert for their time and
expertise afterwards.
8. Prepare follow-up questions: During the interview, if the expert gives a detailed
answer, you should be ready with follow-up questions to dig deeper into the topic.
9. Be flexible: You should be flexible during the interview and be prepared to adjust
your questions or the direction of the conversation based on the expert`s responses.
Phase 2: Execution and Documentation
• 1500- 2000 word report
• The report should be written in an academic style and should be 1500 words at least.
• Include an authorship and contribution statement: specify your written segment, role and
tasks in the group.
• Submit the report along with supporting materials such as interview transcripts,
photographs, videos, etc.
1. Conduct the expert interview and analyze the data you collect.
2. Questions should have been prepared in advance and professionally
conducted in the interview.
3. Transcribe or summarize the interview and provide it as an appendix at the
end of the report.
4. Analyze the data to extract key points and insights.
5. Consider how the information obtained relates to the course topics and
learning outcomes.
Reflection and group presentation:
Group presentation: 20 mins
Group Presentation:
1. Summarise the project findings.
2. Opportunities and challenges you faced ( as a group) in conducting this project.
Individual Reflection:
At the end of the project, reflect on your learning experience.
In your individual oral reflection, you should include the following:
1. Summary of your contribution to the project.
2. What you learned about Globalization and the Environment.
3. The skills you developed during the project.
4. Any personal challenges or opportunities you encountered during this project.
5. Did you use any knowledge you acquired from other courses/sources to complete this
6. Any personal remarks that you want to add.

Price: £140

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