Looking for a job for fresh college graduates can be a daunting task. Most recent college graduate job seekers emphasize on writing excellent resume letters as well as attractive cover letters in a bid to impress their prospective employers. Students go to the extent of taking industrial actions in their schools to perfect these skills. The main quandary, however, is that these students don’t have the slightest clue of where to begin looking for their desired job. For a recent college graduate to find employment after graduation he or she has to follow a number of critical steps; these steps would enable the graduate job seeker to secure a job with ease (cited in Snyder, 2013).
Critical Steps on finding a Job
Ambition is the first key step to in finding a job. College graduates should have an ambition to do whatever job they seek. They should have personal goals and visions that are highly relevant to their most sought after careers. Knowing what you want will definitely lead you to where you want to be. It’s only after you have an ambition to do something that you’ll find the most relevant position. One needs to focus on the employment roles that he or she aspires to perform as well as the working atmosphere that he wants. This acts as guidance to where one should start looking for employment opportunities. After being ambitious in the desired job, prospective graduates should start looking for a job early. This would probably give them a real picture of what job seeking entails and the challenges involved. This would enable the students to identify potential employers early before graduating. It would also increase their chances of getting a job soon after college graduation (Gould, 2012, p. 153).
Research is the next critical step in securing the desired job position. Graduates should then conduct adequate research on the type of job they want. It is very important that you find out what your course entails and what types of jobs your course qualifies you to do. This would also enable you to know the situation of the job market in your field of specialization, the rough estimate of your expected earnings as well as where in the industry you are likely to find a job among other factors. Research would probably equip you with adequate information needed to secure the job of your choice (cited in Snyder, 2013)
After conducting adequate job research, graduates should focus on securing internships with desired companies. This serves as an additional strength in job hunting. Graduates should not underestimate the power of internships. Internships can increase their chances of securing a job. As an intern, a graduate should perform the roles assigned perfectly to impress his or her prospective employer. It is not guaranteed that they’ll be hired by the company they interned. However, internship opportunities serve as good job training platform for college graduates through equipping them with job experience. College students should seek both pre-graduate and post-graduate internship positions to increase their chances of getting employed (Chiagouris, 2011, p. 36).
Laying out professional networks is the next critical step to secure a job after going through internship programs. According to Snyder (2013, p. 167), networking is critical in securing employment opportunities. Building connections is important in the current corporate world. Many people nowadays get employed due to recommendations by their peers. A graduate job seeker should try to establish wide networks with people in the corporate world especially those working in their area of interest. Trade fairs, seminars and internships are areas where one can identify key persons to network with. Graduates should talk to people and always keep in touch. This lets their networks know that they are still available. Graduates should also let them offer them some advice regarding their prospective job. Networks are valuable to job seekers as they provide worthy leads in regard to open job opportunities. Recent college graduates should note that most employment opportunities are not advertised and are allocated through word of mouth. Personal appearance is a key factor while meeting people especially professionals. Maintaining high etiquette is recommended.
Last crucial step but not least is utilizing online social networking. If the graduates have not been successful in finding a job yet after following the previous steps, they should consider using online media. College graduates should sign up to social networking sites. Most employers are utilizing these social network sites to identify potential employees. Additionally, online social networking sites serve as a platform to establish connections with people. Graduates should create a profile that markets them in their area of interest. Social media can help them to know about particular professional events they may be interested in such as conferences and trade fairs. These sites also serve as a platform of increasing ones professional network. Social media sites provide an opportunity for graduates to showcase their professional ideas and creativity. This increases the chances of recent college graduates getting employed (cited in Snyder, 2013)
The essay has successfully highlighted some of the critical steps that college graduates should follow while looking for employment. After the above process is effectively followed, college graduates should be assured of getting a job of their choice easily. They should also keep in mind that many people search for a long time before getting their most preferred job (Gould, 2012, p. 152).