Health Care Economics and Policy: Health Policy Analysis (Student`s Name) (Course Code/Number) (Name of Professor) (Date of Submission) Health Care Economics and Policy: Health Policy Analysis Introduction Healthcare and nursing have changed greatly from its earlier days of intuition and superstition on evil spirits, humors or fluids and others, up to today`s scientific and evidence-based practice CITATION Bar081 l 1033 (Kozier, Erb, Berman, Snyder, Lake, & Harvey, 2008). Indeed, modern healthcare is now governed by laws and standards that highlight more than anything else the significance of empirical and scientific evidences to every intervention and decision CITATION BTB04 l 1033 (Basavanthappa, 2004). Even the different laws that govern the said dynamics of modern healthcare are subjected to research and continuous revisions and changes. In fact, although the world may have come a long way from the less-scientific nature of the intuitive periods of nursing, modern healthcare may still have a long way to go. This is especially in view of the expanding role of nurses, and the observable role of administration and politics in the success of healthcare. Certainly, political moves by leaders have led both to solutions and problems on nursing, especially in terms of staffing and the nurse-patient ratio. Therefore, this calls for the need for more intensive and continuo...