ASSESSMENT Details: Proposal
*Refer to the Psychology Handbook on the Psychology Undergraduate Programmes Homepage for more details about citations and referencing for Psychology assessments, the word count policy and penalties, standard formatting requirements, submission methods, Turnitin originality checking and second attempt deadlines (in the Assessment Deadlines Summary).
Assessment Guidance
Students are required to select a health condition from the list provided below and outline their proposal for an intervention (this can focus on either recovery/prevention or health promotion) and its evaluation. Students are expected to use referenced psychological literature to back up their proposal. In the proposal you are expected to use a similar style of academic writing to that used in a research proposal.
The assignment should include a title, four distinct sections, and a references list:
Title: a title that gives an overview of the focus of the intervention;
- 1. Introduction: Start by providing a clear indication of which health condition / health related behaviour you are focusing on. Write an introduction that outlines the specific health condition and the need for an intervention; provides an overview and evaluation of existing interventions; outlines the theoretical basis for the intervention (referring to theories from Health Psychology); and finishes with the rationale for developing the intervention.
- 2. Method/design: an outline of the proposed elements of the new intervention, including an implementation plan.
- 3. Proposed evaluation: Describe the proposed intervention evaluation. This should include details of the proposed outcome measures and proposed analysis. Remember to consider broader factors such as examining economic outcomes and adherence.
- 4. Potential impact of the intervention and conclusion: focus on health and/or service outcomes of this intervention.
References: References in APA style (6th edition).
When an intervention proposal is written, it is normally done in order to convince someone to fund the intervention and evaluate the feasibility/effectiveness of the intervention approach – this should be the same style/approach that you take with your assignment. In real terms, the style of writing should be similar to that typically used in a research proposal.
Your proposal should focus on one of the following:
- Coronary Heart Disease
- Diabetes
- Stress
- Sleep
- Pain
To help you to select one of these health conditions and the focus of your intervention you should consult your lecture slides and the recommended readings for this module. In addition, websites like this one might help to get you started in selecting one of the health conditions: It is your responsibility to read the recommended reading set for each week. This reading will help you to decide which health condition and type of intervention to focus on for this assignment.
It is also important that you understand the health psychology theory covered in your lectures – remember that interventions should be theory driven and this should be reflected in your assignment.
It is acceptable to choose the same health condition/type of intervention as other students on this module. It is also expected that you will discuss/debate ideas around health/illness and intervention over the course of the module. However, collusion (a form of plagiarism) is not acceptable – see the paragraph below on academic integrity / misconduct.
The key textbook (Morrison & Bennett, 2016) is a good starting point in preparing for this assignment. However, at Year 3 it is expected that you will go beyond finding information in textbooks alone. It is therefore very important that you cite journal articles for your assignment.
General Guidance
General report writing guidelines and guidance on citing and referencing in APA Style (6th Ed.) are available in the Psychology Handbook on the Psychology Undergraduate Programmes Homepage.
You are encouraged to book a tutorial to discuss the assessment with the relevant module tutor in advance. Staff can provide general guidance but they cannot comment on a draft. It is your responsibility to independently formulate ideas and text, to cite and reference accurately and to structure your work appropriately.
Calculating the word count
Your work should have a word count of between 2400 to 2600 words. The word count includes every word from Section 1 to Section 4 including any headings, quotations included in the body of the text, tables, and in-text citations. The word count does not include the title or the references list. Refer to the Psychology Handbook on the Psychology Undergraduate Programmes Homepage for details of the word count policy and penalties.
The format requirements for this assignment are standard, please see details above for information.
The referencing requirements for this assignment are standard, please see details above for information.
Marking Criteria
Your assessment will be marked against the following criteria:
Description of proposed intervention
Intervention is clearly outlined
Clear and comprehensive overview of proposed methodology
Clear and comprehensive overview of proposed analysis
Awareness of ethical issues and current codes of ethics and conduct
Critical Judgement
Develops a convincing argument to support the need for the intervention
Critically evaluates strengths/weaknesses of existing interventions, concisely and accurately
Provides a convincing rationale for the intervention design, content, implementation plan, and evaluation plan
Draws clear, sensible conclusions about the potential impact of the intervention
Written in a scientific style (accurate writing, structured and organised well, flows clearly from introduction to conclusion)
Good English language skills (spelling, punctuation, grammar)
Good academic conduct (including citations and referencing in APA Style)
The overall grade is based on a categorical marking scheme and is a matter of academic judgement, taking into account your performance across all of the criteria. Refer to the Psychology Handbook for a description of the grade categories and the categorical marking scheme.
Academic Integrity / Misconduct
You must complete the assessment independently and with academic integrity. Academic integrity means acting with honesty to fulfil the requirements set for academic work. This includes always attributing and acknowledging sources, assistance with language correction and proofreading (whether informally or via a professional proofreading service), and by not relying on dishonest means to gain improper advantage.
Students are not permitted to get pre-submission assistance from another person (whether staff, another student or anyone else) to formulate a text, to adjust ideas, citations and referencing and/or improve the structure.
Academic misconduct includes poor academic practice, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, cheating, falsification, collusion and unethical conduct and other means of gaining an improper advantage. All suspected cases of academic misconduct will be investigated and penalties may be applied. Minor lapses in academic conduct and good practice will be penalised by a deduction in the mark (the exact deduction is based on academic judgement about the scale and importance of the lapses).
Refer to the Academic Misconduct Policy for further details about academic integrity and misconduct, including definitions and examples of academic misconduct and the potential penalties.
Student Attendance and Workload Obligations
General student attendance and workload obligations are explained in Section B3 of the Academic Regulations for Taught Programmes. Semester dates (including the May assessment period) are available here. Students are also expected to be available during July 2018 in the event of exam resits or second attempts at failed assignments. Do not book holidays during July 2018 until you are certain that you have no resits or second attempts. Holidays are not a valid extenuating circumstance.
There are no programme specific attendance requirements for this module.
Students who feel they have good cause for failing to meet attendance and/or workload requirements, for example due to personal or medical circumstances, may apply for extenuating circumstances to be taken into account and should refer to the University’s Extenuating Circumstances Policy for further details.