Assessment 1 - Individual Work Placement Portfolio
The purpose of this final assessment is to enable you to apply your learning about community health and how to assist with the health of individuals, whanau, and family while on work placement. You will also engage in inquiry-based learning to analyse your professional development observing the provision of health care services and evaluating the holistic needs of all stakeholders, individuals, whanau, family, organisations and communities.
While working as a practitioner and advocate in a professional environment you will be able to develop health management plans that build on strengths and enhance resilience. This is also an opportunity to research, articulate and apply relevant learning and skills to ethical, effective organisational healthcare practices in a professional work context.
Graduate Profile Outcomes (GPO’s):
GPO1: Competently apply knowledge relevant to health issues to assist in the enhancement of the health of the individuals and whanau/families, organisations and communities.
GPO2: Critically assess ways in which socio-cultural, economic and physical environments are determinants of the health of individuals, whanau/families, organisations and communities.
Learning Outcomes:
This assessment relates to the following learning outcomes:
1. Demonstrate professional autonomy and accountability in Health Care professional practice.
2. Evaluate the personal, cultural, and professional standards that must be considered in Health Care professional practice.
3. Demonstrate adaptability and willingness to change in the context of the evolution of Health Care practices in New Zealand.
4. Work as a reflective practitioner.
Assessment information
This summative assessment is a collection of evidence in the form of a Portfolio, which will be compiled while you are on work placement. The evidences, including your observations and reflections, will be assessed in conjunction with the feedback and observations from your work placement supervisor and Work Placement tutor.
During your work placement there is a requirement that you keep a reflective journal so that you can draw on these reflections using Gibbs Reflective Cycle and fulfil the criteria for each part of the portfolio.
*There is an expectation of professional integrity within your Portfolio that you must not include raw data from your reflective journal and/or information that may identify healthcare facility, clients/patients, their whanau/family and or work placement staff.
TASK 1 LO 1,2,3,4
Part A: Evidences of the Work placement Experiences Marks: /5
Below are list of evidence as supporting documents that need to be submitted together with this portfolio which included but not limited to:
Appendix 1: Pre-Work placement Checklist Appendix 2: Work placement Contract Appendix 3: Confidentiality
Appendix 4: Work placement Timesheet
Appendix 5: Student Work Placement Evaluation
Part B: Reflective Journal Marks: /5
Write a weekly journal covering 8 weeks of your work placement experience which could include but are not limited to:
• What was the main challenge(s) on the week and how did you manage it?
• How did you apply your learning and soft skills?
• What new skills have you learned?
Part C: Tutor Evaluation Report Marks: /5
Your work placement tutor needs to fill in form evaluating your performance during the work placement period. Submit the completed and signed form together with the rest of the portfolio on or before the due date. Forms is available at NZSE LMS (Canvas)
Part A: Autonomy and Accountability LO1 & 4 Word count: 1000 +/- 10%
Marks: /20
During your work placement you will make numerous decisions as part of your day to day practice. The purpose of this part of the Portfolio is for you to demonstrate your professional autonomy and accountability in the specific areas of professional practice listed below. The steps of Gibb’s Reflective Cycle are useful for you to demonstrate your decision making, professional autonomy and accountability.
From your reflective journal, choose any significant decision-making situations you have noted on any two of the following areas below where you have demonstrated professional autonomy and accountability and justify the decisions made by using Gibb`s reflective cycle.
a) Legislation
b) Professional Standards and Guidelines
c) Evidence-based practice
d) Ethical conduct
Part B: Personal, Cultural and Professional Standards LO2 & 4 Word count: 1000 +/- 10%
Marks: /20
Personal, cultural, professional, and ethical behaviours are integral aspects of professional practice. A healthcare practitioner’s behaviour can be influenced by both internal and external factors which may impact on their effectiveness in the workplace. Healthcare Codes of Practice and Policies in the workplace offer support and guidance to maintain professional standards.
Read the following requirements and instruction carefully and use them to guide you in writing your reflection for this section.
a) Personal Standards
Using an abbreviated form of Gibb’s Reflective Cycle (situation, evaluation/analysis, action plan) evaluate two relevant situations that demonstrate personal standards in your health care practice. These may Include emotional health; social skills; relevant personal values.
b) Cultural Standards
Evaluate cultural safety and bicultural partnership in the workplace, including Ti Tiriti o Waitangi/Treaty of Waitangi using reflections from your workplace experiences, particularly when working with clients/residents of different cultures.
c) Professional Standards
Evaluate the Code of Practice for Health Workers and one major policy from your work placement by providing examples from your reflective journal on ways they were put into practice.
Part C: Adaptability and Willingness to Change LO3 & 4 Word count: 1000 +/- 10%
Marks: /20
This section of the Portfolio is about your personal adaptability and development in the context of health care professional practice in New Zealand. The steps of Gibb’s Reflective Cycle are useful to demonstrate your awareness, responses, and willingness to change/develop as a professional healthcare practitioner. Draw on your reflective journal for specific examples.
Below are some of the suggested personal development topics. You are required to choose any two of the topics where you demonstrated your personal adaptability and willingness to change by providing your personal experiences encountered during your work placement.
1. Working under pressure/stress
2. Cultural differences
3. Communication
4. Social skills and attitudes
5. Problem solving/decision making skills
6. Familiarity with technology
Part D: A Reflective Practitioner LO 1,2,3, 4 Word count: 1500 +/- 10%
Marks: /20
Parts A, B and C have focused on particular aspects of your work placement. In this Part take a holistic approach and apply Gibb’s Reflective Cycle to reflect on your whole work placement experience. You can choose any one or several aspects of your experience. To provide evidence to support your experience/s, draw on your reflective journal, reports and observations from your work placement supervisor and placement tutor, as well as reliable academic sources.
The focus is:
a) Reflection
b) Feelings
c) Evaluation
d) Analysis
e) Conclusion
f) Action Plan
Remember: you must not include raw data from your reflective journal and/or information that may identify facility, clients/patients, their whanau/family and or work placement staff.