How governments are using social media as well as traditional media to communicate with their citizens and reach young people (18-25) in particular: a comparison of the UK and Chechen Republic.
- How are governments using social media to communicate with their citizens and young people in particular?
- What are the principal social media platforms used by Chechen government and the UK?
- How do social media promote Chechen national identity among the young and citizens living abroad?
- What are the views of the citizens in regard to government’s use of social media in Chechen as compared to the UK?
- What strategies can be adopted to improve the use of social media by Chechen government?
To investigate how the Chechen Government is using social media to communicate with its citizens and to reach young people, in particular, at home and abroad.
- To review how governments are using social media to communicate with their citizens and young people in particular.
- To identifytheprincipalsocial media platformsused by the Chechen Government andthetargetaudiencefor their communication
- To explore how the use of social media is being used to promote a Chechen national identity amongst a) young people b) citizens living abroad.
- To examine the views of Chechen citizens about their government’s use of social media to communicate with them.
- To makerecommendationsforimprovingtheuse of socialmedia by the Chechen Government.
Background and context: In the recent years, there is an increasing trend by ruling authorities across the globe employing the use of information and communication technology in service delivery. The paradigm shift to the use of technology is driven to modernize the public management systems and also improve the external relationships with the citizens (Beach 2009). There has been astounding progress in the development and progress of communication and information technologies. Efficiency and advances in the use of social media have been made successful by the development of informatics in service delivery (Skagestad 2010). The sustainable development within the society has the solution within the information society. The development of information technology in this essence is supposed to provide quality life to the people within the society (Berenger 2013).
Background and Context
The governments in the United Kingdom and the Chechen Republic are making use of information and communication technology in delivering government services. Through communication, people become more aware of the services government is offering because of the extensive use of the Internet. The use of social media is high among youth. The indication is that there is an increasing trend in the usage as new generations comes into existence. With the international countries undertaking legislations to perfect and safeguard the use of social media, it is evident the notion created here is that these services are of vital importance (Evans 2010).
Practical Implications
Twitter is significantly influencing the decisions made in the political arena. Aspirants in the political arena are currently majoring to sell their policies and candidature in the use of Twitter.
Many governments worldwide have embarked to create awareness among the citizens as well as ensure transparency through the use of social media. The rising use of social media serves several roles including bringing the gap between governments and its citizens (Fortner & Fackler 2011). Information is readily available, and people are in a position to raise their concerns regardless of their geographical distribution.
Practical implications: Essentially, this research is based on comparing situations in two different parts of the world to integrate successful experience of using social media as a tool for communication with the citizens by the UK’s government to the Chechen Republic. To the part of Russia with quickly growing popularity of social media as a platform of gathering information by young citizens. Which is caused by the constant use of Instagram and Twitter by the Head of the Republic Ramzan Kadyrov who is the second most powerful politician in Russia. Therefore, the results of the study will contribute to optimize the performance of the press department of the Ramzan Kadyrov’s administration in the way of communicating with youth, to educate them in a patriotic behaviour instead of being radical and against the government.
1) Literature Review: This study was conducted with the purpose of finding the effectiveness of e-governance in the Chechen Republic and the UK. This is because there has been increased interest on the need to understand the emerging concept of e-governance and how effective it is in service delivery. This study seeks to answer the research questions as well as meet the objectives of the study.
The government in the Chechen Republic is making use of social media in delivering a number of government services. Government websites make use of social media to publicize their services and improve awareness, hence increased effectiveness in service delivery. As a consequence, people become more aware of the services government is offering because of the extensive use of the Internet (Holloman 2013).
Research indicates that 50% of the top ten most visited online sites are social media with Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube takes the largest share (Huang 2014). The proliferation of several social media has enabled people to be more connected to each other. Social connection and interaction have significantly increased, and its impact widely felt.
There are diverse roles that the social networking media are playing in these countries. This new media have reshaped communication in the contemporary world. The speed of communication as well as increase in access and interaction has enhanced the use of technology and growing use of social media (In Mandiberg 2012). The cost involved in this form of media is relatively small as opposed to passing information by word of mouth across the diverse geographical world (Olivas-Juan & Bondarouk 2013). It helps in promoting identity among the nationals in the Chechen Republic as they can interact and share information across geographical boundaries. Citizens staying abroad can identify with their country through sharing of information (In Patrut & In Patrut).
2) Research approach, purpose, strategy, sampling methods and methods/s of data collection: This section of the dissertation provides a research that was conducted with the aim of answering the research questions as well as achieving research objectives. It involves a study of a number of secondary data sources about e-governance in the UK, and primary research by interviewing main stakeholders of press service of the head of the republic, so that views can be analysed to understand the research question and achieve research objectives. In order to attain the aims and goals, the results are discussed and a recommendation is made regarding the research question and how it can be significant in governance.
There are a number of research approaches that are relevant to any research based on the nature of the research, and it has been observed that a study that combines various research methods is an exploratory research. The methods that can be combined include observation, gathering information and attempting to find the explanations and interviews. In addition, there is the explanatory research strategy. This strategy involves an explanation of the underlying question by conducting statistical tests. In the case of this study, the researcher has exclusively used secondary data collection methods and an interviews.
The data collection process used secondary data collection method through investigation of a number of published materials about e-governance (Creswell 2009). In addition
The study will take place in the Republic of Chechnya. The analysis will be made regarding the extensive use of information communication technology in these countries in regard to service delivery to the population. The government in the country has adopted the use of advancement in technology in service delivery. They do this by taking advantage of emerging media and because the majority of the population is technologically advanced and aware of the use of emerging media.
The sample selection will entail an analysis of various government departments making use of technology and various services delivered through the online platform by these governments. These considerations will constitute the sample under consideration. Case studies will also be relevant in this study as it creates the real image about happenings on the ground.
3) Ethical issues:
Completed Ethics Check Form is attached to this proposal.
The proposed study has been checked against MMU’s ‘ethics check form’ and there is no ethical issues that require further consideration in this study. However, the process of interviewing the stakeholders of the press of the head of Chechnya will need to be structured and planed carefully, because any misstep will have some impact on this research. All data collected will be treated with anonymity and confidentiality. It would be considered that participants may request removal of some data.
Berenger, D. (2013) Social media go to war: Rage, rebellion and revolution in the age of Twitter. Spokane, Wash: Marquette Books.
Bondarouk, T & Olivas-Lujan, R. (2013) Social media in human resources management. Bingley, U.K: Emerald.
Creswell, W (2009) Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, Sage, London.
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Holloman, C. (2013) The Social Media MBA in Practice: An Essential Collection of Inspirational Case Studies to Influence your Social Media Strategy. Hoboken: Wiley.
Huang, H. (2014) Social media generation in urban China: A study of social media use and addiction among adolescents.
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Olivas-Lujan, M & Bondarouk, T. (2013) Social media in strategic management. Bingley, the UK: Emerald.
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Skagestad, G. (2010) Chechnya – the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) experience, 1995-2003. Politeia, 29, 3, 24-44.