The English historian E. P. Thompson wrote that "By 1840 most people were `better off` than their forebears had been fifty years before, but they suffered and continued to suffer this slight improvement as a catastrophic experience." [The Making of the English Working Class (1963), p.212] How should we evaluate the Industrial Revolution in history? Was it more an improvement in people`s lives or more a catastrophe?
What is required in the essay:
- 1. RESEARCH ESSAY 2,000- 2,500 words. Your essay should include analyses of at least one extended primary source and at least four secondary sources.
NB: an `extended primary source` means a full source, i.e. we expect you to select and engage with a complete source, not a quote taken from a larger source. The extended primary source should be self-sourced i.e based on your own research. While it is important to refer to the quote or idea introduced in the question it is not expected that you track down its original for your extended primary source.
- We are looking for evidence that you have used both primary and secondary sources to answer the question.
- Each question has an ‘edge’ to it. We never ask you just to tell us everything you know about a certain topic. We want your answer to the question posed. Your essay should have an argument.
- Quote from secondary sources when you argue against them but do not use them in a ‘cut and paste’ way to write your essay for you. Your own words are usually better than anyone else’s to make your points for you (but if there is a particular turn of phrase used by your sources, then quote directly). Avoid long slabs of quotation. Use footnotes to refer to the authorities for your statements.
- You must give a Bibliography with separate categories for primary and secondary sources. Be very discriminating in your use of internet sources - only use academic sources. Prioritise using academic journal articles and books.
- Make sure your essay has an argument running through it. The most successful essays will have a clearly stated argument.