Court Observation The courtroom is this case is on the third floor. The two floors below contain offices for the county tax assessor, the clerk, and the circuit clerk, county-holding cells for prisoners on transfer, the county solicitor, and an office of the judge. Many family law cases take place in this courtroom. For instance, the last two weeks there has been a case involving contempt of court for refusing to pay child support and another on an issue concerning paternity case. The Magistrate Judge for these cases was Magistrate Judge Silvia Job. When one enters the court room the security guard, a tall plump African American man, advises people to remove items include mobile devices that could trigger a metal detector. After checking for any devices that could cause harm, individuals proceed to the courtroom. The waiting area for criminal cases does not have as many people as those for minor offenses or family cases. Those waiting to hear these cases arrive thirty minutes befor