This is the second of two assignments for this module. Each is worth 50%. Both assignments are designed to assess the module learning outcomes which are:
- The Students will be able to review, critique and evaluate a range of contemporary approaches and major theories in this field people, work and organisations; in addition to examining the aims and objectives of the HRM and HRD function in organisations and how these are met in practice.
- Students will be able to review, critique and evaluate a range of leadership and management debates, along with effective change management in organisations; whilst promoting professionalism and an ethical approaches to HRM in organisations
1 Assignment Task
You are required to produce an essay which critically evaluates a contemporary HRM theory and applies your theoretical conceptual framework to a specific organisation’s practice and comments on how theory fits with practice in relation to that organisation. Both the theory and the organisation must be appropriate and agreed with your tutor.
2 Assignment Format
Your assignment should be 3,000 words (+/- 10%). You should present your assignment using 12 point font and double line spacing.
Provide a front cover and appropriately introduce your essay and reach conclusions. You may use some key sub-headings but as this is an essay you do not use a numbering system or provide a contents page.
Note that you may include figures and diagrams as appropriate but not appendices. Figures and diagrams do not count in the word count (and neither do the references). You should never use a figure or diagram to make a point; all key points should be made in your narrative.
Ensure that you follow the USW Harvard referencing system.
3 Assessment Weightings
The assessment of different aspects of your assignment will be % weighted as follows:
Area of Assessment
Learning Outcomes
Critical review of the theoretical topic relating to HRM theory (including appropriate referencing)
1, 2
Understanding of relevant practice in relation to the organisation (including appropriate referencing)
1, 2
Commentary on the fit between theory and practice
1, 2
Clarity of key messages
1, 2
4 Assessment Criteria
Please refer to the table below which the Generic Postgraduate Assessment Criteria which will be used to judge the standard of your work.
5 Assignment Submission
The assignment will be handed in electronically using Turnitin and you should check your originality score prior to submission to ensure that it is categorised as “green” i.e. the tutor will not have to investigate your originality report and report to the External Examiner/take further action against your in relation to the academic offence regulations.
See the scheme of work for the assignment hand in date and time.
The standard University policy in relation to penalties for late submission/non submission will apply.
If you face any extenuating circumstances please seek advice from the Advice Shop and put in a claim as soon as the circumstances arise. Please note the regulations in relation to the “Fit to Sit” policy.
6 Further Guidance
Further guidance will be provided in the Information for the Assessment Folder on Blackboard as the module progresses. Guidance will also be provided during the online synchronous and asynchronous sessions. It is vital therefore that you attend the online synchronous sessions and follow the asynchronous guidance each week.