The purpose of this project is to provide students with an opportunity to design and develop an effective and legally defensible Attendance Management Policy. In teams of four (4-5), students will combine information from the course and their own research to create an Attendance Management Policy. Teams will then present their project to their classmates.
Part 1 – Attendance Policy (5%):
Using the information from class power point presentations, textbook, in-class activities and discussions, sample polices/plans, AND your own research; your team must develop a detailed Attendance Management Policy for a Qatari company.
Indicate in your policy whether the company is private or public.
Be sure to indicate the purpose and scope of your policy and to define any necessary terms. It is critical that each component of the project incorporates concepts, theories, and models learned in the course.
- Minimum 10 pages, 1.5-spaced, 12 pt. font, as per AWC Guidelines (excluding appendices and references)
- Proper policy formatting
- Title page as per AWC Guidelines
- Proper sentence structure, grammar, spelling and punctuation
- Use Chicago citation style to incorporate footnotes to recognize resources used
Note: All reports will be submitted through Turnitin. Any reports which are not correctly referenced, and that receive a “similarity” report greater than 10% from Turnitin will receive a zero (0) grade, and an academic dishonesty report will be created.
Part 2 – Verbal Progress Reports (5%):
Two (2) verbal progress reports will be required to ensure that the group is on track with their project. These short meetings are an opportunity for students to ask questions and obtain ideas and suggestions to their project prior to project submission.
Progress reports will occur during the lab component of the course and will be assessed by the assigned Instructor/TA for the course.
Part 3 – Team Interview or Group Presentation (10%):
A final 5–10-minute group interview or presentation with the instructor during the final two (2) weeks of classes.
a) Each team member must be present and contribute to the team’s answers.
b) If a team member is absent for the interview, they will receive a zero (0) grade for this portion of the project. Due to time constraints during the final weeks of the semester, there may be not be an opportunity to re-schedule the interview time, but please speak with your instructor should difficulties arise.
Note: If a team member is not contributing to the team, they may be removed from the team. This person will be solely responsible for the entire project. Please contact me by October 01, 2023 if there is an issue. All changes must be completed by November 01, 2023. This deadline allows the individual enough time to complete the project on their own. Any issue that may arise after this date will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.